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(They searched day and night as they couldn't find the base, they began loosing hope as they all thought that Gyato would had died by now..

Luffy couldn't give up as he continued his search without the rest, he got to a warehouse to take shelter..

He entered the shelter as he hears screams and shouts coming out from a door.. He quietly opened the door as he saw the thugs surrounding a boy tied to the ceiling of the warehouse, he dashed out of the warehouse to find ace and sabo..)

Sabo: Keep it down Luffy! What is it..?
Luffy: I've found gyato.. He's being tied up in a warehouse
Ace: Let's go rescue our brother!!

(ace and sabo immediately stood up and grabbed their pipes as they grabbed Luffy's hand and began to run..

Luffy ran faster than them but they could still catch up.. Luffy enters the warehouse first as he saw the thugs smoking sitting on different chairs.. He made his stance as he stretched his arm towards one of the thugs punching him in the face..

The thugs quickly jacked Luffy as they began to punch him but he just kicked the private part of the thug.. He freed himself as he lifted up a huge stone and smashed it on the thug's head..

The rest of the thugs surrounded Luffy as they wanted to start beating him up, ace and sabo entered the warehouse while in mid-air as they smacked their pipe on the head of a thug, he fell down then Luffy used the opportunity to go untie gyato and ace and sabo fought the thugs like men...)

Gyato: T..Thanks L..Lu..Luffy.. Y..You A..Ar..Are R..Re..Rea..Really A G..Good Y..Younger B..Br..Bro..Brother
Luffy: {Sobbing} I.. Will.. Do... Anything... To.. Rescue... Y..You.. Big Brother!!!

(Gyato stood up as he went over to a small box as he opened it and his eyes saw a swirly fruit that was white in colour.. He closed it back then picked up a knife as he ran towards a thug stabbing the thug in the back..

He then went for another thug and stabbed his chest, the boss of the thugs stood holding ace sand sabo in the collar as he let go of them.. Gyato looked eyeball to eyeball with the thug as he clenched his fist and ran towards the thug..

He jumps in the air and punched the thug in the face, the thug kicked Gyato as he sent him flying towards Luffy..

Gyato grabbed another knife as he raged out for the thug.. Without the thug's knowledge, Gyato stabbed the thug in his abdomen as blood gushed out.. Gyato stood back as his eyes were in rage, he then looked at ace, sabo and Luffy who were crying, they ran towards him as they hugged him and reunited with their brother...)

Sabo: Let's get out of here.. It's too dangerous for us out here in gray terminal
Ace: Non of us is going to come back here for anything
Luffy: I'm so happy my big brother is okay!!!

(Luffy hugs Gyato)

Gyato: I wanna go get something..

(He went into the room do the warehouse as he carried the small box and they left the warehouse.. Everyone looks at them walking together as they smiled and laughed at them not knowing what crime they just committed..

They reached their tree house as they all sat on the ground and Gyato opened the box showing off the fruit inside the box..)

Ace: That's a devil fruit..
Gyato: Yeah! Do you want it ace..?
Ace: Nope! I wanna get stronger without that thing.. Ask sabo
Gyato: Sabo! You want it..?
Sabo: Nah! I'll get stronger without it as well.. Don't like it.  Just give Luffy
Luffy: Yeaa!

Gyato: Can't give Luffy, if he eats another one he would die and grandpa won't forgive me for killing my own brother
Luffy: Then just eat it gyato, no one is stopping you
Gyato: Sure!

(He carries the fruit away from the box as he took a bite of the fruit.. He spat it out.. Ace and sabo slapped him as they took the fruit from him and buried it in his mouth as gyato chewed the fruit feeling disgusted..

They didn't let go of him until he ate the whole fruit.  They finally let go of him as gyato passed out and they all slept waiting for tomorrow)

To Be Continued

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