Sailing Out To Sea

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(4 Years had passed as ace set sail to sea 2 years ago, me and Luffy trained everyday to get used to our abilities..

An old man taught Luffy how to throw a punch using his rubber powers but I trained myself on how to fight using my power and created many techniques..

I was 17 years of age while Luffy was 15.. The beasts in the forests were our opponents and we always spar day to day to see our increase..

Luffy was so strong that he defeated 4 gorilla by himself but he couldn't still defeat me..)

Luffy: So you are setting sail next week..?
Gyato: Yes! It's about time I join ace at sea.. He's showcasing his new powers as "Firefist" ace
Luffy: If you set sail. Just don't defeat all the strong enemies
Gyato: When it's time for you to set sail, you will fight your own strong opponent
Luffy: Hm-hmm I'm going to miss you alot gyato
Gyato: Same here but don't die until I see you again luffy

(The week ran by as gyato readied his his small sail boat for sea.. He packed his cloths and jewelries as he waved goodbye to Dadan and the rest of her family..

Luffy cried as gyato was leaving his eyesight.. Dadan also cried and the whole family cried while waving goodbye to another stubborn kid..)

Dadan: You are now by yourself Luffy.. Behave well and you would eat very well
Luffy: Don't take orders from you! I'm going to train in the woods
Dadan: Then find something to eat in the woods.. YOU MONKEY!!
Luffy: SMOKING APE!!! Gum-gum:- Rocket!!

(He sent himself flying into the woods as he landed roughly on the ground were the apes were relaxing eating..

He took the fruits from the apes as they pursued him deeper into the the woods for their food.. Luffy beat the hell out of the apes as he ordered them to find him more fruits to eat..)


(The monkeys gave Luffy a boring look as tears fell down his eyes before he punched a random ape with "gum-gum pistol")

(Gyato's POV)

(The sea was calm and the weather was nice.. Sailing was quite perfect for me..

I looked through a binoculars to see whether I'm near an island but to my realization there was no island.. I relaxed in my cabin as waited for the sea waves and air to take me to my next destination..


Some hours passes as a storm happened and the angry wave of the sea sailed my ship to an island..

I tied my ship to the dockyard as I got down from it and went into the island.. It was full of population as even I could get lost, I forced my way to a restaurant to get something to eat as a bunch of pirates were sorted eating..

I ordered my meal and went to sit beside their table as they observed me and continued.. They began talking as I listened to their conversation)

???: Do you know there's a fighting tournament that is happening tomorrow at this island fighting arena..?
??? 2: What's the reward for the tournament..?
??? 3: Who's gonna come for the tournament..? It's going to be a boring one
???: Well.. The rewards are 80 million berries, a strange black sword, 2 devil fruit and getting a statue of yourself

Gyato: [The rewards are quite tempting.. Let me get more information about the tournament before I decide to join]

??? 3: So.. Who's gonna come for that..?
???: They said a strong fighter from the grandline is coming as well as many other strong pirates..
??? 4: How much is the bounty of the grandline fighter..?
???: 90 Million Berries.. He's no small shot, from the rumors they said he fought Firefist Ace and was on toes with him as well as fighting Arlong the fishman

Gyato: [For someone to be on toes with ace that means he's as strong as me or stronger]

(I finished my meal as I went over to the pirates table and drew my chair closer to me)

Gyato: Tell me more about this grandline guy.. I'm interested in him

(The pirates stood up as they grabbed their weapons and started attacking me.. I dodged all their attacks as I blew them away with my wind..

One of them rushed back to me

"Sharp Wind!

I placed my palm on the abdomen of the pirate as he was sent flying with strong wind as he became unconscious..

2 more pirates rushed to me as I jumped in the air and used wind to make them hug themselves.. I spun around in the air as I gathered wind around my right leg

"Air Barrage!!

I hit them with the strong and condensed wind as they both fell unconscious as well.. The other pirate began to run but I drew him closer with wind as I gave him choke-slam on the ground..

He started talking fast then I ordered him to talk slow..)

??? 4: His name is "Brule" he's the one who's coming from the grandline and he is a very powerful foe for anyone who stays in the east-blue.. He has a bounty of 90 Million Berries. That's all I know about him
Gyato: Thanks for the information.."

(I then placed my palm on his chest as he passed out.. I walked towards one of the pirate as I took his purse of berries and paid the restaurant..

I left the premises of the restaurant and went to find the tournament registering point)

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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