Late Night Munching

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The kitchen was dark and quiet, save for the low hum that emitted from the fridge.

There was a subtle jingle of keys from the front door as it swung open, creaking on its hinges. Harry stumbled through, letting a breath of relief escape his lips as the feeling of comfort washed over him.

It was a long day of work. He was held behind due to a sudden influx of customers and they were understaffed—as usual.

And he reeked of stale oil and fast food. He wanted nothing more to shower and pass out on his bed, but he was hungry and food comes first.

He locked the door and took his McDonalds bag, heading to the kitchen where he turned on the light and dumped the foods onto the table. Sitting down with his legs crossed up carelessly on the chair, he began munching on his burger, taking small breaks to wash it down with Coke, before inhaling the fries.

He licked his fingers clean and threw the rubbish into the overflowing bin. Which desperately needed cleaning.

But then his ears picked up on a small rummaging noise—just as he was about to walk out. Alarmed, he halted and turned, waiting for the sound again.

A faint crackle from the cupboards.

He let out a huff and snatched a large bowl sitting atop his messy counter, and with the belief there was a pesky mouse in his cupboard, slowly approached.

His gaze was focused entirely on the cupboard as he slowly wrapped his tan hand around the handle, before jerking the cupboard door open briskly.


Poor Draco was just trying to gather some cereal and crisps from the cupboard for his snacks, when he was face-to-face with the human who he'd been living off since...whenever.

He froze, in the middle of shoving extra pieces of cheerios into his bag. He swallowed as Harry's vibrant green eyes bore into his silver ones, each-other not ripping the connection.

That was until, Draco gained feeling back in his legs, and he took off, his slender limbs not making it very far as he collided with a thump into the wall of the bowl Harry earlier had in hand.


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