Chapter 4

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A few days had past and it was finally time to return back to campus .Evelyn stepped onto the university campus, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. It was her first day back, and she couldn't shake the feeling of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

As she made her way to the library to meet up with her friend Scarlet, she couldn't help but replay the encounter from the alleyway in her mind. She just hoped this semester would go peacefully.

Her thoughts came to a half as Scarlet greeted her with a warm smile and a tight hug, Evelyn felt a sense of reassurance wash over her.

" Evelyn! How's it going?" Scarlet asked, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

Evelyn returned the smile, her worries momentarily forgotten in the warmth of her friend's presence. "I'm good, Scarlet. Just a little nervous for the first day back," she admitted.

Scarlet nodded sympathetically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Don't worry, Evie. Luckily it looks like we might end up in the same classes," she declared, linking arms with Evelyn as they made their way to their first lecture.

As they walked, Scarlet chattered excitedly about their plans for the semester, her words a comforting distraction from the unease that still lingered in Evelyn's mind. She talked about going out with friends, exploring new places in the city, and of course, navigating the treacherous waters of university life.

"I just hope we don't come across any jerks," Scarlet remarked with a laugh, nudging Evelyn playfully. "I don't think my patience could handle any."

Evelyn chuckled, her spirits lifting at her friend's infectious energy. "Agreed," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "Let's hope for a drama-free day too."

As Evelyn and Scarlet settled into their seats in the lecture hall, the soft hum of conversation filled the air as students prepared for the class ahead. Evelyn busied herself with arranging her books and laptop on the desk in front of her.Just then, a group of girls entered the lecture hall, their laughter echoing off the walls as they made their way to the seats above Evelyn and Scarlet. At the head of the group was a striking blonde girl with an air of confidence that marked her as the leader.

Evelyn glanced up as they passed by,She smiled as her eyes meeting those of the blonde girl for a brief moment. But instead of a friendly smile or a nod of acknowledgement, the girl's expression twisted into a sneer, her lip curling in disdain as she looked Evelyn up and down.

Confusion and hurt flashed across Evelyn's face as she watched the girl walk past, her heart sinking at the unexpected hostility. She exchanged a puzzled look with Scarlet, who frowned in confusion at the exchange.

"What was that all about?" Scarlet whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of the lecture hall.

Evelyn shook her head, her mind racing with unanswered questions. "I have no idea," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "I've never even seen her before."

As the lecture began and the professor launched into the day's lesson, Evelyn tried to push aside the encounter with the blonde girl, focusing instead on taking notes and keeping up with the material. But the memory of her hostile gaze lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over the rest of the class.

As the lecture continued , the hall doors swung open, as a man entered the lecture hall, Evelyn's heart skipped a beat. Despite the distance between them, she felt an inexplicable pull, a sense of familiarity that sent shivers down her spine.Tall and imposing, he had an aura of quiet intensity that commanded attention wherever he went. His long, dark wavy hair cascaded around his shoulders in untamed curls, framing a face that was both ruggedly handsome and tinged with an air of mystery.

But it was his eyes that held Evelyn captive, clear emerald orbs that seemed to see right through her. There was a depth to them, a silent strength that belied the turmoil lurking beneath the surface. As he walked up the stairs their gazes met, Evelyn felt as though she were being drawn into a whirlpool of emotion, unable to look away despite the warning bells ringing in her mind.

His features were chiseled and angular, intricate piercings that adorned his ears and face with a strong jawline and a hint of stubble that added to his rugged charm. He moved with a grace and fluidity that spoke of confidence and self-assurance, each step purposeful and deliberate.

The moment passed, and he continued on his way to a seat on the far end of the lecture hall. Evelyn's heart raced in her chest, her mind reeling .Her mind raced back to the encounter in the alleyway, the memory of the injured stranger etched into her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was a connection between the two.

"Evelyn, are you okay?" Scarlet's voice broke through the haze of Evelyn's thoughts, her concern evident in her expression.

Evelyn forced a smile, trying to push aside the lingering sense of unease. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Just lost in thought, I guess."

In the midst of the lecture, Evelyn couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation from the group of girls behind them. They giggled and whispered amongst themselves, their attention clearly focused on something—or someone—else.

"He's kinda hot, don't you think?" one of the girls whispered, her voice carrying across the room to where Evelyn and Scarlet sat.

Scarlet rolled her eyes at the comment, shooting Evelyn a knowing look. "Looks like they've found something more interesting to talk about," she muttered under her breath.

She forced a laugh, trying to brush off the unease that gnawed at the edges of her mind.As the lecture came to an end, Evelyn and Scarlet gathered their belongings, their thoughts still lingering on the mysterious stranger who had captured their attention.As they made their way out of the lecture room, Evelyn couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the sense of eyes boring into her back sending a shiver down her spine. She quickened her pace, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the lecture hall.

Outside, Scarlet commented on the attention the mysterious stranger had garnered from a few girls in the lecture hall. "Did you see that guy?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "He was definitely turning heads."

Evelyn glanced back at the lecture hall, her unease growing stronger with each passing moment. But before she could respond, she noticed the stranger's gaze fixed on her, his eyes intense and unwavering.

"He's looking straight at you, Evelyn," Scarlet whispered urgently, her grip tightening on her friend's hand.

Evelyn's eyes widened in surprise, and she quickly averted her gaze, a blush rising to her cheeks. "Oh, um... I didn't notice," she stammered, her voice uncharacteristically flustered.

Without another word, Evelyn grabbed Scarlet's hand and pulled her away, eager to escape the piercing gaze of the mysterious stranger. As they exited the lecture room, She couldn't help but hope that she wouldn't come across him again during her time at university. There was something about him that screamed a warning, a feeling deep in her gut that told her to steer clear.

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