Chapter: Once Again

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Evelyn navigated through the bustling campus, after the events that had happened at home her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of her family. As she approached the lecture room, a sudden jolt of surprise shot through her as Scarlet jumped out, startling her. Evelyn giggled in relief as she realized it was just Scarlet, but her attention was quickly drawn to the tall, blonde guy standing next to her friend.

Scarlet introduced him as Lucas, mentioning they were majoring in the same course and had known each other since high school. Evelyn smiled politely, extending a hand in greeting. "Hey, I'm Evelyn... I didn't see you in our first lecture."

Lucas chuckled, his sea-blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "I had some urgent come up, but we'll probably be seeing each other around from now on."

Before they could dwell on the conversation further, Scarlet ushered them to class, and they made their way inside. Evelyn's eyes scanned the room, her gaze landing on the empty seat where the mysterious student from a few days ago had sat. Disappointment washed over her as she realized he wasn't present.

The lecture passed by in a blur, and as they exited the room, Scarlet couldn't help but notice the unfamiliar jacket hanging from Evelyn's bag. "What's up with that jacket? I've never seen you with it before," she remarked.

Evelyn looked down at the jacket, momentarily lost in thought. "Oh, it's not mine... Someone gave it to me," she explained vaguely.

Before Scarlet could inquire further, Lucas approached them, bidding them farewell. "I'll see you all around," he said with a smile before walking off.

Scarlet chuckled, shaking her head. "I can't believe we're all in the same university. We all look out of place with him here," she joked.

Evelyn rolled her eyes playfully before informing Scarlet of her evening plans. "I need to head to work today," she said, bracing herself for Scarlet's reaction.

Scarlet looked at her incredulously. "You're still doing that job? I swear the manager there is such a devil. You always look exhausted after it," she exclaimed.

Evelyn shrugged off the concern, insisting she was fine before bidding Scarlet goodbye and boarding the university bus as she waved at her friend through the window

 Evelyn stepped off the university bus and made her way towards the shop where she worked, the bustling streets of London greeted her with their familiar cacophony of sounds and sights. The hustle and bustle of the city seemed to envelop her, the energy of the bustling metropolis serving as a comforting backdrop to her daily routine.

Entering the shop, Evelyn was greeted warmly by her coworkers, their smiles offering a sense of camaraderie and familiarity amidst the chaos of the busy town. With a quick exchange of greetings, she headed straight to work, rolling up her sleeves and diving into the task at hand.

Arranging and restocking clothes may have seemed like a mundane chore to some, but for Evelyn, it was a welcome distraction from the tumultuous events of the day. As she meticulously sorted through racks of clothing, her mind drifted, finding solace in the rhythmic repetition of her tasks.

By the time she had finished her shift night had descended upon the city, the streets came alive with the soft glow of streetlights and the gentle hum of passing cars. Evelyn stepped out of the shop, her final task for the day completed, and bid farewell to her coworkers with a sense of relief washing over her.As she walked along the pavement, Crossing the street to the next block as she was now Walking along an isolated street, Evelyn's thoughts drifted to the recent killings that had been plaguing the city. Gripping her bag tightly for comfort, she suddenly felt a bump against her shoulder, followed by a deep, husky voice apologizing.

Before she could react, strong hands grabbed her, pinning her against a nearby wall. As Evelyn's hands were forcefully grabbed, she found herself being propelled backward, her back colliding with the rough surface of a nearby wall. The impact jolted her, sending a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Fucking goddammit, where is this motherfucker?" shouted a man, his voice filled with rage and frustration.

 The sudden outburst sent a shiver down Evelyn's spine as she struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding before her.Panic surged through her as she heard the voice of a man cursing angrily. Were they one of the neighborhood gangsters? before she could even think further she quickly shifted her gaze as their eyes looked in their direction . Trapped in the confined space, her eyes met the intense gaze of the man pinning her against the wall,she froze ...they had meet again.

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