Chapter 6- Let's just do it

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Back at home, I had half expected my parents to hound me about Gage's little confession. They didn't. I went to my room and got ready for bed. Once I lay in bed, I couldn't help but think about the conversation that took place back at the pack house. I have always known Gamma Xavier was no picnic, but to so easily suggest I was a liability. Me? It frustrated me. After all of my training. I am just as much part of this pack as he is. I should've punched him where he stood. Bet that would have gained a reaction from that emotionless jerk. He spoke out of fear. The protection of the pack is his priority. I pondered on Akira's words for a moment, letting them sink in. Gamma's job is to protect the pack. I guess it just never occurred to me that I would ever be the subject in question. Akira... Why does everyone act as if we are...cursed or something? She didn't respond. I thought for a moment that she may be thinking of how to respond, but I drifted to sleep before she ever could.

I woke up early the next day and got dressed for training. I ran downstairs and almost made it to the door before my father cleared his throat, stopping me on the way out.
"Hey, dad," I said. "I thought you'd be gone."
My dad sat at the table drinking his coffee. "I wanted to wait for you. Where are you headed?"
I sat at the chair across from him. "Training, thought I'd get a run in before." I said excitedly, fixing my braid around.
My dad nodded for a second and stared at his coffee as if contemplating what to say next. He opened his mouth and breathed in deeply, and held it before speaking again. "Gage is...a nice young man." he said slowly. Oh goddess. Here we go, I thought. Couldn't this have waited until tonight? I was not prepared for this conversation first thing this morning.
"Me and your mother were talking last night and... well... we want you to know we support whatever." He shifted in his seat, and I could see this conversation wasn't quite panning out the way he had thought. "Look, I know he's going to be Alpha of the I have no doubt in my mind he will make a good Alpha and... he adores you, I see that... But I can't help but ask if this is what you really want?" My dad looked at me, and I stared back into his eyes. They were swimming with different emotions. The biggest was the care that reflected through his eyes that he has for me. I reached out and grabbed his hand that still held his mug steaildy on the table and cupped my hand over his. "Dad, I'll be okay." I said reassuringly. He let out a big sigh as if a boulder was lifted from his chest as he half smiled at me. "I haven't made a decision yet. You're right. Gage is a good man. He's everything a respectable man should be. I know what i'm doing. I am sorry you and mom had to find out the way you did. I wasn't going to tell you guys until I had made my decision. I would never leave you guys in the dark..." My dad nodded."I know babygirl...I'll tell you one thing. That damn boy has spirit." He grinned. "He made no hesitation to object to you being relocated; he wasn't having it. He earned some respect in my eyes." My dad winked at me. I laughed and took a deep breath myself. "Okay, Im gonna go train dad." He nodded knowingly, and I left to go to the training camp.
I began to run through the forest toward camp and noticed I was much quicker than my normal speed, I dug my feet into the earth with more force and began to sprint. I smiled and stopped mid stride. I have been told it's not uncommon to be a bit quicker after you shift given your wolf's added skills. But this was exceptionally quicker. I looked at the path before me, which made a perfect curved pathway toward camp. Then, I looked toward the lush habitation that had no path through the abundant forest.
How about we go off path today. Akira jumped up within me excitedly.
I bolted toward the trees as they swallowed me into them. I cut through the trees with ease zig zagging and darting between trees, kicking off of the trunks, there was an upcoming old, rooted branch that was lifted from the ground and I reactively laid-back mid run into a slide as I slid under the branch before jumping back up and picking up momentum. I made it to the camp in no time. As I neared the field of the camp, I could see Gamma Xavier was doing a set of push-ups, and Conan stood not far from him stretching. I stood at the edge of the wood watching them. I couldn't help but notice the little fire burning up within me as my anger ignited at the sight of Xavier. This morning, I was willing to let bygones be bygones. But seeing him there on the field. The same smug attitude he always carried with him irked every part of my skin. ""Beautiful, aren't they?" I turned to my left to see a grinning Theo walking up to me. I smiled when I saw her the flame going away entirely. "Hey Theo." I said as she came right next to me. "I mean..." she continued. "I think Leah would have your head though for checking out Conan, but Xavier might appreciate it. Doubt, he's gotten any action lately." My mouth dropped into an ewe expression at Conan and turned into a gag expression at the mention of Xavier. "That's why he has so much stamina." Theo winked at me. "That's disgusting Theo," I laughed. "Come on, let's go show em how real wolves fight." She smiled. "Hell yeah," I said.

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