Chapter 7- Anywhere but back

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The walk to the packhouse had my mind buzzing with questions. I looked at Gage with curious eyes as we walked, and he caught my stare and smiled before reluctantly spilling. "Look, we talked." he said unphased. I leaned my head forward eyes on him "and?" I asked pressing the matter. Gage shrugged his shoulder upwards. "And it's like I said he's coming around to the idea. My dad likes you Raine, you know this he just wasn't happy with the fact that I didn't exactly talk to him first. I'm sure he and my mom were hoping I would find my mate, and well, I haven't yet. I'm 20. But once I become Alpha, I am going to need a luna beside me.". I stared at the ground as we walked following the traces of grooves the dirt made along the pathway. "I guess I'm just surprised, is all." I finally uttered, and a silence fell between us. The distant sounds of birds echoed around us, and the sun began to beam overhead, sending rays of light through the trees. Gage intertwined his fingers with mine as he grabbed my hand while we walked. It was a comfortable silence. As we neared the pack house, I could smell the faintness of the burning wood again. "Do you smell that?" I asked. Gage inhaled deeply. "No. What are you smelling?" My eyebrows furrowed together as I answered, "I don't know it smells as if someone's burning wood somewhere." Gage nodded as if he had an "Aha" moment. "That might be from the firepit we had blazing last night." He stated looking at me and I nodded. When we walked up to the pack house Alpha Eric was at the edge of the driveway talking to my dad as we were walking up.

"Let me know when you get there, Gene." I overheard Alpha saying. My dad nodded before replying, "You got it." As he began walking over to his jeep. He stopped mid walk when he spotted us and smiled at me, "Hey Babygirl," before looking toward Gage and nodding, "Gage.". Gage gave him a wave, and I gave him a quick hug before he jumped into his Jeep and drove off. Alpha Eric turned to us and greeted me. "Raine, glad you could join us." He said with a smile. "Of course." I stated, nodding both with surpise and genuinity. I couldn't help but notice that the burning smell became more prominent. It even had Akira's full attention as I could feel her pacing back and forth. Must've been some fire, I thought. "Come, the others are already inside." Alpha Eric stated as we walked up the drive toward the door. When we walked into the packhouse, the smell hit me like a punch to my core as it seemed to fill the room. Burning wood.... spiced cider...hints of mint. Akira was practically clawing inside of me. I noticed people were gathered in the living room area. Three of which I immediately recognized as Gamma Xavier, Alpha Zane and Brohm who were all moving their mouths as if they were speaking but I heard nothing, the intense smell overwhelming me. Gage placed his hand in the small of my back as he pulled me in closer as we moved into the living room away from the door. There was a man sitting on one of the couches, his elbows on his knees staring our way and another who stood in front of the fireplace as if examining the stone accents. The man who sat on the couch stood as we neared closer, and I heard Gage speaking. "This is Raine, Jake, my future Luna." But my attention was on the man standing in front of the fireplace it seemed the smell was coming from that direction. The man named Jake held a handout toward me. "Raine, I am Jake." He said politely. I shook it slowly as they continued exchanging words that were a blur of mumbles in my ears. I had gave him a small glance, but my eyes were fixed on the dark-haired man by the fireplace. "Alpha Cillian," Gage stated, addressing the man. "Raine, I'd like you to meet my cousin Alpha Cillian of Blood Moon pack." Gage stated. The dark-haired man turned around, and as our eyes met, I felt as if the rug had been swept from under me, my heartbeat accelerating. Akira howled within me without control. Alpha Cillian had a hint of amusement in his eyes as our eyes met. "Hello, Mate." He stated boldly. The faint whisper left my lips as I softly stated, "Mate."
The room went quiet as if a secret had just been told that no one knew. Gamma Xavier had slipped out an "Oh shit." As realization filled the room. Gage's smile faded as his eyebrows furrowed together before he swallowed deeply. Alpha Cillian eyes fixated on me, still seemingly amused, and I realized he didn't seem as surprised as I was that we had just found out we were mates. He shifted his gaze to the rose that sat by my ear, and I could see his jaw tighten slightly before he relaxed it again. I could feel Gage's hand on my back had begun to clench into my back as his stance remained solid. I wanted to speak, but my lips wouldn't move. I stared at Cillian. His presence radiated power. If I have never seen perfection before it was before me now. He had pitch black hair that was combed back with a few short strands hanging over his left temple. Stormy grey eyes that I could get lost in for days. He was tall and though he wore a suit I could easily see he was muscular in all of the right places. Akira was clawing within me begging me to go to him. Mate. Mate. Must join mate. I felt my feet shuffle forward slightly and Gage took notice looking at me before clearing his throat. "Raine is my future Luna. She is my mate. Maybe not chosen by the goddess herself. But Raine chose me" He stated quickly. His words stopped me mid step and I realized this put Gage in an awkward situation. Alpha Cillian's eyes darkened at Gage's words. Gamma Xavier quickly warned "Gage." Gage took a deep breath and stepped in front of me his hand pressing on my abdomen pushing me back instinctively as he stared down Alpha Cillian. Alpha Cillian took his eyes off of me and turned them toward Gage an amused grin spreading across his face as he adjusted his collar.
"You'll want to remove your paw from my mate Gage before you lose it." He stated matter of fact.
Gage let out a slight chuckle "I'm not removing a damn thing. She's mine.". Cillian's grin faded instantly as his eyes darkened more, he began to slowly unbutton his blazer as he spoke "I won't ask again." he stated firmly.

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