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The days leading up to Diwali were filled with anticipation and excitement in Aayesha and Varun's household. With the holiday break in full swing, they embarked on a whirlwind of preparations, eagerly anticipating the arrival of Aayesha's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sharma.

Gyaras, Baras, Dhanteras, and Kalichaudas flew by in a flurry of activity as they adorned the house with colorful rangolis, twinkling diyas, and fragrant marigold garlands. Mishka and Adhyay, their bestfriends , lent eager hands, their laughter filling the air with joy.

As the auspicious day of Diwali dawned, the house buzzed with energy and excitement. Aayesha and Varun donned their finest attire, their faces adorned with bright smiles as they awaited the arrival of Aayesha's parents.

As the sun began to set, Mr. and Mrs. Sharma arrived, their arms laden with gifts and sweets. Aayesha rushed forward to greet them, her heart swelling with love and affection.

"Happy Diwali, Mom, Dad!" she exclaimed, enveloping them in a tight embrace.

"Happy Diwali, beta," Mr. Sharma replied, returning her hug with equal warmth.

The evening passed in a blur of festivities and laughter as they indulged in delicious sweets, exchanged gifts, and lit fireworks in the backyard. But amidst the joyous celebration, a cloud of tension lingered.

As the evening wore on, Mr. and Mrs. Sharma pulled Aayesha aside for a private conversation, their expressions grave.

Varun watched from a distance, his heart heavy with apprehension. He had sensed the growing tension between Aayesha and her parents in recent weeks, but he hadn't anticipated the gravity of their conversation.

Voices hushed, Varun strained to catch snippets of their conversation. His worst fears were confirmed as he overheard Mr. and Mrs. Sharma's words.

"Aayesha, we need to talk," Mr. Sharma began, his voice tinged with concern.

Aayesha's heart clenched as she braced herself for the conversation she had been dreading. She knew her parents disapproved of her career aspirations, but she hadn't expected them to broach the subject on Diwali.

"We understand that you're passionate about your dreams, beta, but we're worried about your future," Mrs. Sharma added, her tone gentle but firm.

Aayesha's breath caught in her throat as she listened to her parents' words. She had hoped to avoid this conversation during Diwali, but it seemed inevitable.

Varun's heart sank as he watched Aayesha's face fall. He couldn't bear to see her dreams crushed by her parents' disapproval.

Summoning all his courage, Varun stepped forward, determined to defend Aayesha's dreams.

"Uncle,aunty ,please," he interjected, his voice steady and resolute. "Aayesha's dream job means everything to her. She's worked so hard to get where she is, and she deserves a chance to pursue her passion."

Mr. and Mrs. Sharma turned to Varun, surprise flickering in their eyes. They listened intently as he spoke, his words infused with conviction and sincerity.

Varun spoke of Aayesha's talent and dedication, highlighting her achievements and the impact her work had on others. He painted a vivid picture of her dreams and aspirations, urging her parents to support her in her pursuit of happiness.

As Varun finished speaking, there was a moment of silence as Mr. and Mrs. Sharma exchanged a glance. Then, to Aayesha's surprise and relief, they nodded in agreement.

"You're right, Varun," Mr. Sharma said, his voice filled with warmth. "We may not fully understand Aayesha's passion, but we trust her judgment. We'll support her in whatever path she chooses."

Tears welled up in Aayesha's eyes as she embraced her parents, overwhelmed with gratitude for their acceptance.

"Thank you, Mom, Dad," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

As the family came together in a group hug, Varun felt a swell of pride and relief wash over him. In that moment, surrounded by love and acceptance, he knew that anything was possible.

As they bid farewell to Aayesha's parents later that evening, Varun couldn't help but feel hopeful for the future. With Aayesha's dreams finally acknowledged and supported, he knew that they could overcome any obstacle together. And as they faced the uncertain road ahead, he knew that they would face it with courage, resilience, and unwavering support for one another.

As Varun turned to leave, a soft voice called out to him from behind. He paused, turning back to see Aayesha standing there, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"Varun," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "Thank you... for everything."

A lump formed in Varun's throat as he met Aayesha's gaze, seeing the depth of gratitude and emotion reflected in her eyes.

"It's okay, Aayesha," Varun replied, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I'll always be here for you."

Without another word, Aayesha stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Varun in a tight embrace. Varun returned the hug, holding her close as she buried her face against his shoulder.

Tears welled up in Aayesha's eyes as she clung to Varun, her body trembling with emotion. Varun held her close, offering silent comfort and support as she let her tears fall.

In that moment, words were unnecessary. Aayesha's embrace spoke volumes, conveying her gratitude, her relief, and her overwhelming emotions.

As they stood there, locked in a heartfelt embrace, Varun felt a sense of peace wash over him. In Aayesha's arms, he knew that he had made a difference, that his words had helped to ease her burden and bring her solace.

And as they finally pulled apart, their eyes met in silent understanding. In that moment, they knew that their bond was stronger than ever, forged through shared struggles and unwavering support.

Varun teased her and said ," i don't need your thank you instead of it give me a treat of rasgaulla".(idk the spelling is correct or not). And aayesha replied with a chucke and said,"Sure I'll serve it tomorrow in dinner as a desert".


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