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Varun awoke to the soft glow of dawn filtering through his window, the events of the previous day still fresh in his mind. With a sigh, he rose from his bed, his thoughts consumed by the weight of responsibility and the uncertainty of the future.

Quietly, Varun prepared himself for the day ahead, his mind swirling with a multitude of emotions. He glanced at Adhyay, still sound asleep, and silently wished him peaceful dreams before slipping out of the room.

Lost in his thoughts, Varun made his way to his coaching class, the rhythmic sounds of his footsteps echoing in the early morning silence. Oblivious to his surroundings, he found himself in the middle of the road, his mind a million miles away.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the haze of his thoughts, snapping him back to reality. Startled, Varun looked up to see a man glaring at him with a mixture of annoyance and concern.

"Pagal wagal hai kya?" the man exclaimed, gesturing towards the busy street. "Marne ka itna shok hai toh kahi aur jake maar, meri gaadi ke niche nahi."

Varun's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he quickly stepped aside, muttering a hasty apology to the man. Regaining his composure, he continued on his journey, the encounter serving as a stark wake-up call.

After twenty minutes of brisk walking, Varun finally reached his coaching class, his heart still racing from the close call. He greeted his coach with a forced smile, trying to push aside the lingering sense of unease.

As the practice session began, Varun's lack of breakfast caught up with him, his vision blurring and head spinning with dizziness. With a trembling voice, he approached his coach, requesting a break to regain his strength.

However, his coach, sensing Varun's condition, shook his head in concern. "Varun, it's best if you go home and rest," he advised gently. "Your health comes first, and you need to take care of yourself."

Reluctantly, Varun nodded, his pride swallowing the bitter pill of defeat. With heavy footsteps, he made his way back home, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

As he lay in bed, nursing his physical and emotional wounds, Varun couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. The encounter on the road had served as a stark reminder of his own mortality, forcing him to confront the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.

With a newfound sense of humility and gratitude, Varun vowed to prioritize his health and well-being, knowing that only by taking care of himself could he hope to pursue his dreams and fulfill his potential.

And as he drifted off to sleep, the echoes of the man's words lingered in his mind, a constant reminder to live each day to the fullest and never take anything for granted.

As the noon sun cast its warm glow through the windows, Adhyay entered Varun's room, ready to wake him up for the day. However, what he found was far from the usual sight. Varun lay in bed, his brow furrowed in discomfort, his body burning with fever.

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