the dirty with a side of soda

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u use me
then hand me a soda
does that make up for the horrors my body had to go through?
or does it make up for the thirst that i've had ever since i met u
the thirst of having someone that actually loves me
not just the body i carry around with me
wouldn't u rather know me
or would u rather know all the scars and moles on my body?
i drink the soda.
hoping to quench the thirst i've had
but it doesn't
what a surprise
i keep drinking it
much like how u keep drinking away my life
i keep drinking and drinking hoping to finally feel as good as u do when u take what u want from me
when u take all that u can from me
when u feel as if you've had enough of me
u hand me another soda
the cycle never stops.

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