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i wish i could be a boy
a real one
no not pinocchio
i just wish i could be looked at like i'm real
i wish i could love a girl without it being "wrong"
i wish i could be taken seriously
instead of being asked "r u a freak"
i want to be asked "so how's the work going"
bcs then i'll know that they care
care abt smth other than my body
bcs my body isn't my work
it's my mind
but i have a girl mind
a mind that can't think on its own
so it needs men's opinions
but i don't
i can think
i can work
i can do anything a man can
maybe do even better than a man
but who knows
bcs i have a girl brain
who's only thoughts r
how can i satisfy men tdy?
i want to be a boy that has a boy mind
a mind where it's seen as a brain
n not a toy for ppl to play with
but instead one that can create new ideas that ppl take seriously
i wish i was a boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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