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i ask for help
and what i get in return is u getting mad
i don't ask for help
and u start to worry and say "u can come to me abt anything"
i tell u abt my life
and u start talking abt the wrong things
i don't tell u things
now ur a baby crying for its bottle
u drain me
like the sink drains the water
or in my case the blood down my thighs
i keep so many secrets
in fear that i might spill
and get sent away
for all the things u could've helped me with
i just want my mommy
i wanted my mommy to help me through the stages of life
so i can learn how to live
but u didn't
so now i've found other things to help me
all the things u hate me for
mommy can u be my mommy again?

poems of a teenage girl Where stories live. Discover now