Chapter 1

22 1 4

TW: Start of Soulmate AU, A little (very little) swearing

Nobody's pov-

'Monkey D. Luffy'

That was written on his wrist, a glowing pink, that was somewhat with a yellow tint. If it was like that, meant you're soulmate is most likely in the same place as you. The universe gave really obnoxious hints, but hey, you have to be grateful. Therefore, he was a normal student in a normal school, living it as it is. He didn't have a guardian, so he lived on his own for a period of time, which was initially quite long. His previous guardian (Alvida) kicked him out of the house, but was thoughtful (and rich) enough to buy him another one. She also pays for his bills and studies, but nothing more. He works as a cashier at the local supermarket near his house. He gets decently paid every month, so food isn't really a problem. The only bad thing at his job was that he had to deal with karens. He's currently 16, so he can manage on his own. He's pretty smart, and good at cooking too, so he usually had homecooked for his meals, or used cup noodles when lazy.

The name written on his wrist never appealed to him. But will it appeal now? Maybe!


He couldn't sleep. How was he supposed to do anything at this point? It was 3 am, so he took out his phone, and started scrolling on social media.

So..tired... He said mentally to himself, but still couldn't sleep. He had trouble falling asleep since a few months ago, after subconsciously realising that he made that promise. And, another thing that's troubling him, is that he has a lot to catch up on in school since he had been sick for a while, and his best friend, Helmeppo, couldn't bring medicine to his house, because he was apparently on vacation with his dad. Helmeppo usually brings him remedies, or takes care of him. But this time he couldn't, so Koby had to go through it, eating apples, because an apple a day keeps the doctor away...right..?


Koby did his usual routine: wake up, make bed, brush teeth, piece of toast then school.

'Who is this guy?'

He looked at the name written on his wrist, wondering why it only lately turned yellow. He couldn't help but feel a little giddy and flustered at the same time.

'I wonder if he goes to the same school as me' Koby said, while smiling. I also wonder, did I make that promise to him?


After carrying that heavy backpack all the way to school, Koby nearly fainted 'cause he was kinda weak and didn't really have stamina.

'Finally here, Koby.' His teacher looked up from the homework he was grading.

'Yes sir..' Koby answered while passing in the ungraded homework he had done.

'You catch up surprisingly well,' the teacher continued. 'do you take tuition classes?'

'No, I don't, sir. I am just particularly interested in these subjects' Koby said, knowing that he honestly didn't really care for the subjects.

'I see. would you like to compete in a Geography competition? You excel especially in these areas' His teacher asked.

'No thank you. Even if I really appreciate the thought, I really don't want to compete. I just don't really have time'

'I see. But, if you are interested, you may come find me.'

'Alright. If there's nothing else, can I go?'

'Yes. Yes you can.'


Koby then wandered to his class. On the way, he bumped into a boy that was about two inches shorter than him.

'Oh, sorry about that. Are you okay?' Koby asked, afraid that he might have hurt the boy. (In which he did not)

'It's alright! I'm fine!' The other boy said while grinning, making Koby blush a little. 'By the way, what's your name? Mine is Luffy!'

Luffy? Isn't that the name on my wrist? No...I shouldn't jump to conclusions...Koby thought.

'Uh, Koby. My name is Koby.'

'Koby? That's a nice name! Friends?'



Koby was heading to class, carrying his stack of textbooks in hand. He tried not to be late after being sick might lead to detention, and he just wants to get home after an exhausting day at school. He then continued to drag himself all the way to class.


'Hey Koby' Helmeppo popped up out of nowhere.

'Thought you were on holiday?' Koby said, eyeing him suspiciously.

'We came back ahead of time! Just yesterday, actually.'

'Are you sure you weren't simping over an imaginary crush or something?'

(I feel that's something Helmeppo would do tbh)

'Yes, Trust Issues. I don't SIMP, Dumbo.'

'If you say so...'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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