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I'm sorry for taking so long to update. I've been busy with the semester finishing up, mental+ health issues, and some other personal matters.

Enjoy and thank you for the patience <3


This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.

Oh my gosh, why the fuck is this happening right now?

"Where the hell were you?"

Do I lie? What excuse can I make to get out of this? What's a good reason for sneaking out in the middle of the night? Seeing my boyfriend is definitely not going to pass. "Uh... I...um... I was... Uh..."

"Smith, where the hell were you at 12 in the goddamn morning?"

I'm dead. I'm a goner. If my mom doesn't kill me, I'm going to kill myself from the punishment she's going to give. "Uh..."

"Give me your phone."

My phone? What? Why does she want my phone? Oh my gosh, I'm screwed. I'm officially screwed. "Why?"

"Because I said." I reach into my pocket, my hand shaky and sweaty. My fingers struggle to clamp around the device before I hold it out. "Unlock it. Now."

I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Oh, I'm so fucking dead.

With trembling fingers, I type in my password before my mom snatches the object from my hands. I know Diego texted me since I saw the notification. And I know my mom's going to see the hearts and pet names he called me.

I'm fucking screwed.

My mom begins to click around on my phone, and I try not to vomit. Why? Because she's going to see my texts messages. And let's just say that Diego and I definitely said some things earlier that I wouldn't let a single soul read. And knowing my mom will possibly see them makes me want to jump into oncoming traffic.

She glances up at me and asks, "You were with Diego?" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm dead. Unable to speak, I give a nod. My mom looks back down at my phone before screeching, "what the fuck?" Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. She needs to stop scrolling now or she'll see- "You had sex with a boy?"

My heart speeds up as nausea crashes into me. Air fails to enter my body or leave it. My worst fear has come true, and I'm completely shutting down from it.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

My mom throws my phone across my room before the screaming began. Worse than earlier. And it didn't stop. My mom kept going and going, not stopping to even take a breath between aggressiveness and insults.

I try to keep up and reply, but end up giving up like earlier. There's nothing I can say. There's nothing I can do to get myself out of this situation. She, my religious mother, knows that I'm a boy kisser AND fucker. Based on her words, she most definitely seems more disappointed that I'm with a guy rather than me not wanting to be a lawyer.

Phrases like, 'God will never forgive you' and 'this is the worst sin ever' leaves my mom s mouth. And it sticks to me. It sticks to my brain, making me feel as if I'm the worst person ever.

Externally, I'm too frozen to speak. But inside, gosh, in a mess. I'm screaming back. I'm crying. I'm sobbing. I'm panicking so bad that I feel nauseous. Never did I think this would happen, and that it is, I can't breathe.

Suddenly, headlights blare through the blinds before a car door opens. I don't hear it shut there's knocking on the front door. Well, not knocking. Banging. The person starts banging on the front door.

i can't breathWhere stories live. Discover now