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One day Dr j's friend visited him on hospital.he is Liam.he is a medical fetish man.now he and John is talking in his cabin.

Liam: John please atleast admit me for 2 days.you know how much I love to do medical procedures.
Dr j: yeah yeah ok.

Dr dialled his phone and Rosy entered the room.

Dr j: Rosy take him to the special treatment room and make him ready.liam go with her and change your dress.
Liam:Ok thanks.john please do all procedures.
Dr j: ok go with her I'm coming.

They smiled eachother and Liam went with rosy.They get inside a room and Rosy took a gown and trousers from the shelf and placed it on a table.

Rosy: sir sit on the bed please.i have to change your dress.
Liam:I can do it myself .
Rosy:no sir it's a rule.

Liam quietly sit on the bed with a smiling face.Rosy changed his dress into gown and trousers. and lay on the bed .Dr j entered the cabin with a smiling face.

Liam: Dr please check me I'm very sick
Dr j(laughing): don't play around.
Liam: John I didn't get the chance to use oxygen mask in my life.can I get it.
Dr j: sure.before that a checkup.ok

Liam nooded and Dr j talking with Rosy and then she went outside.Dr j checked his height and weight and lay him on the bed and Rosy entered the room with a trolley.dr grab a rectal thermometer from the trolley and said.

Dr j: Liam lay on sideways.im going to take your rectal temperature.

Liam nooded and happily layed sideways and Dr j removed his trousers and pulled up his gown and inserted the thermometer inside the anus and waited till it beeps and removed it.liam layed straight.

Dr j: temperature is normal.
Liam: can you shift me to the ICU please John I'm very curious about it and attach machines please please.
Dr j: ok ok but only few hours.
Liam: ok thanks John.

Then a male nurse entered the room with a stretcher and Liam layed on it and they wheeled him to the ICU.Now Liam is laying on the bed while smiling.Dr j entered the room with Rosy and they were wearing masks and gloves.

Dr j:ok Liam let's start.Do you want a injection now.
Liam: yha sure.
Dr j: ok do you want it on hands or buttocks?
Liam:why are you asking it john.you know I love to take it on back.
Dr j: ok ok.

Liam immediately layed on his stomach and Dr injected into his buttocks.liam didn't even flinch.after injection he layed straight.rosy put a hair cap and inserted iv and they removed his clothes and attached heart monitor.

Dr j: Liam spread your legs please.i will attach urinary catheter

Liam nooded and spread his legs and Dr inserted the catheter in his penis.and at last he put oxygen mask on his face.liam layed there happily.

Time skip.

After some hours Liam is now walking around in his room.He is bored now.so he informed the Dr that he is walking around the hospital for sometime.Liam started to walk around the corridor.Then he saw a man laying on the stretcher with a scared face.liam decided to talk with him.

Liam: hlo Mr what happened you're looking scared?
Man: hlo yeah I'm afraid of the medical procedure.i really don't want it but my family members is not allowing me.can you help me to escape?
Liam: sure you go I will manage here.

The man nooded and ran away.as a medical fetish Liam loves everything about hospital.so he decided to lay on the bed instead of the original patient .he don't even know what procedure is going to be done.but he layed there happily.After few minutes 2 male nurse wheeled him to a room.It was a treatment room for male pregnant patients.A doctor was present there.He was looking angry.
Dr:oh finally you're here.I have never in my life treated a patient as uncooperative as you. Nurse comeon strip him and lay on the bed.

They removed all his dress and lay him on the stirrups and palced his legs on the stirrups. Liam layed their quietly while enjoying it. Dr checked his genitals and took a syringe and poked it into the tip of the penis and collected the samples. And he started to gave medicines through his penis. Liam was really enjoying the procedure and doctor is surprised with the cooperation. They again dressed him and wheeled him to the previous corridor. Then they again exchange and Liam again started to walk around.He noticed a name board it was psychiatric department. Liam felt very curious. He only saw psychiatric treatments on movies. So he decided to experience it. But he don't have any medical reports or prescription regarding this. So he decided to seek help from Dr John. At first john didn't like the idea but at last he helped him. Drj made a fake medical report and arranged fake guardians to Liam. The fake guardians approached the reception with Liam and handover medical reports and signed the formalities and left. The nurse took Liam to the Dr's cabin to check him. The Dr is Oakley he is not much experienced doctor. Dro asked some questions to Liam. But liam answered blenders. Dr o decided to admit him on vvip room.

Next day

Liam is just laying on the bed. He is getting bored. Then 2 male nurses entered the room with medicine. But Liam refused to eat medicines because first of all he want to show them he is a uncooperative patient and then he don't like pills and syrups. Liam started to throw substances towards nurses. One nurse ran outside the room to call the doctor. After sometimes Dr o and some nurses entered the room while running. The nurses hold him and layed him on the bed on his stomach and Dr o pulled down his pants and injected on his buttocks.

Dr o: shift him to the ECT room.

Nurses nooded and dragged him the room and they give him ect. But Liam couldn't handle it so he somehow escaped from the psychiatric ward.

To be continued.....

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