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Liam is continuously running through the corridor. He don't know where is he now. He felt very tried. He saw a empty room there so he went inside the room and slept there.
Time skip

Liam wokeup from the sleep. He is on the same room. But now he have a cannula on his hand. He heard some footsteps informing arrival of someone. He say 2 male nurses entering the room with a stretcher. He immediately closed his eyes and acted like sleeping. They made him lay on the stretcher and moved him to a room. The moved him into a Dr's cabin.

Dr: Is he that patient?
Nurse: yes Dr. He is sleeping now.
Dr: wake him up.

Nurses nooded and shaked Liam. He opened his eyes like woking up from sleep.

Dr: finally you're awake. How can you this much uncooperative Mr. Daniel. We are doing this for your own good.  You're here for the treatment of breathing difficulty.Why didn't you allow nurses to put oxygen mask and give you medicines ahh? Nurse prepare his shot i myself give him.

Nurses nooded Dr made Liam lay on his stomach and pulled down his panties. Dr pinched some places on his buttocks for better site and started to rub with alcohol and inserted the needle and pushed the medicine. Liam just enjoyed the pain. Dr removed the needle and bandages the spot and layed him properly.

Dr: nurse take him to his room and give him balance treatments. Mr. Daniel you have to cooperate with them or you will face the consequences.

Liam nooded and they again nooded him to previous room. And layed him on the bed and attached a iv and injection some medicines on the iv and one nurse left the room and one nurse sit near him. Liam didn't like he thought that the Dr will do some more procedures on him. Then a idea popped on his mind. Liam started to act like he is having breathing difficulty and started breath unevenly. So the nurses attached a oxygen mask on his face.

Time skip
After two days
Liam is bored with it. He only got one injection per day sometimes Dr gave him oxygen mask. So Liam decided to change the Dr and experience something new. He escaped from the room and went to the patient's waiting room. There were some patients laying on the bed and some patients sitting on the wheelchair. He sat on a empty wheelchair and waited for the nurse come and took him for treatment. Soon a nurse took him to a treatment room. It was a andrologist department. They entered the room and Liam understand Dr is checking on a patient.He couldn't saw the patient nor the Dr because of the curtain. He only hear painful whimpering of a man. Soon that man was taken out of the room and they made Liam lay on the examination bed. It was a stirrup bed. Yes Liam is now on a andrologist's treatment room. The Dr is removing his used gloves and putting new gloves. The male nurses standing there placed Liam's legs on the stirrup and removed his panties.Dr sit on a stool opposite to his lower body. He started to check his private body parts. And Dr took a needle and inserted it on Liam's pelvic hole and filled the syringe with serum and hand over it to the nurse.
Dr getup from the table and unbuttoned Liam's shirt and started to check his breast and talked something with the nurse and they moved him to an another bed in the room. Liam layed there quietly and after sometimes a nurse applied something gel on his both breasts and left. And he say a nurse is coming with another patient. Dr is checked him and he left the cabin. Dr again went near Liam and said

Dr: don't worry Mr. Arthur. It's common now being a gay. Don't worry I'm here to help you to make changes in your body. After treatment you will feel good..

Liam just nooded without understanding anything. Then a nurses come with 2 iv and hanged it on iv stand in both sides  and nurse rubbed left breast with alcohol pad and inserted the iv on his breast and done same on ths right side.

Time skip

Iv is almost over and Liam understood the change in his breast. It became a little large. A nurse removed iv and bandaged the spot and changed him to a ward.

Next morning

Now he is laying on the bed. He is getting bored. A nurse came in the morning and gave him breakfast and some pills. Liam decided to walk around the hospital. He successfully escaped from the room and just walked around the corridor. While walking he heard cryings and screamings coming from a treatment room. He saw some patients are sitting in front of the room. Liam feel curious about it. So he also sat on one of the chair.Soon a nurse escorted him inside. There were some me laying so on bed butt naked with a tube inside there anus.But Liam was taken inside a small room. There were 2 male nurse standing near a bed. They made Liam lay on a bed on his stomach . Nurse took a large injection in his hands and removed Liam's under wear and started to rub his buttocks with a alcohol pad. Liam started to move and acted like he is scared. He thought that if he act as uncooperative, they will give him some punishments related to medical. The nurses hold him tightly and injected him forcefully. Liam fake screamed hardly. The nurses restrained his both hands on sides and inserted enema nozzle in his anus. The water started to enter in his body and Liam started to feel discomfort. He felt weird in his stomach. He doesn't like the discomfort. He struggled to getup. But he couldn't.After completing enema and using toilet he was shifted into a room. Now he is laying on a room in infertility department.Liam slept due to tiredness.

To be continued...

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