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Dahyun with the rest of her team entered the building owned by Mr Kim Sang Woo -
The Big Boss of Black Pink's Mafia and the Father of Jisoo, Jungkook's rivalry..
The woman was the most greedy of all, clever and beauty..

Their team under goes an x-ray body search.
Dahyun has 10 people in her team, all entered the Kim's premises without a single weapon's. They didn't bother to bring anything for it will only get comfiscated in the entrance. One of the ladies pull out a box of gums, giving it to everyone .

Dahyun's team has 4 beautiful and 6 men all in their white suits.

"I was sent by the Boss Serpent to discuss whatever it is that you are asking" Dahyun sat confidently  infront of Jisoo

"Mr. Kim was sticking on his detailed deal sent on Mr. Jeon.. 55% of the total city collections around Seoul, Daeju and Busan has to be transfered on the Black Pink's Mafia.. take it or leave it"

She heard Jisoo's stern voice, the woman was smirking at her knowing everything was under their Gangs control

Dahyun look at her straight in the eyes and slowly smiled..
Her assistant playing her pen..
Dahyun pick up the wine glass Infront her and put it Infront of her seductive lips-

"That was really.. an excellent deal my dear
So it's a deal-
leave it!"
Dahyun splashed the wine on her face,
In quick moves her assistants detached the pin on her pen, thrown it-
Who will thought the pen was a first class smoke bomb?.. in seconds the room was filled with smoke
Also in seconds Dahyun's team quickly stole their men's guns..
With their special abilities they can tumbling and jump higher..
They used that to put the chewing gum in the lens of every CCTV around the place.


Dahyun was heard over their ear piece's .

That was the signal that they can  now enter the vicinity of the tower.
"Namjoon do it!"
Jungkook was with Namjoon monitoring them inside the van ..

"Turn off the power connection"
Hyun Jun do what Namjoon said, they successfully hacked the system of the opponent -

" Done !" Hyun Jun said after disconnecting the electricity inside the tower..
Jungkook nods and signaled them to get ready-

"Let's go!"
Their Van heads on the fire exit of the tower..


inside the building the people rattles
"What is happening?" Rose said
"Our system was hacked! "

"Use the emergency lights ! Turn on all the generators!-"

"All the systems was shutdown -
We can't operate anything!"

"God Damn it! Jeon Jungkook!!!"
Mr.Kim screaming..

"locate Dahyun and her team"
Jk asked Hyun Jun on the monitor..

" Dahyun's team was inside the elevator on the tenth floor .. they are on stand by Boss "

" Operate that elevator to bring them on the top floor -
That was the target"

" Copy Boss -
Look out! eight men coming on your right 50 meters away.. 40 .. 30.. 20.. 10..there!"
All of them moved like a speed of lights
Jungkook slashed them with his blade 3men fell down and the other 5 was killed by the blades of his team.

"Hyun Jun, lead us and operate the elevator to the target floor"
Jungkook waits for the respond on the line

" 40 meters away to your left.."
Jungkook signaled his men to follow him-

On the Mansion

Taehyung was shot in the left thigh, the guy was sitting behind the couch waiting for anything in motion..

The Mansion was quiet dead bodies everywhere ..
Seokjin was shot on the upper part of his chest although Hoseok made him wear a bullet proof vest, still the shot was bad.

Hoseok was crawling because he was shot on the knees and on the back of his shoulder..

On the tower ..
Jungkook and his team reached the main office of the Big Boss..

Dahyun and the rest are waiting inside..
Jisso was tied and her numb body was laying on the floor, bruises covering her face and all over her body.. Rose was hanged on the Boss desk..

Mr.Kim was sitting on his chair Infront of Rose dead body..

" Mr. Kim! How was it? "

"Jeon.. you're fucking son of a bi-"
Namjoon and Dahyun  shoot him on the head ..

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