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Chapter 1



15 minutes. I've been sitting here for only 15 minutes yet it feels like a lifetime. The field is quiet and all I could hear is the sound of the rain splashing on the floor as they kissed my freshly done bruises.

This happened often, my dad would come home and do everything to me but be a father, after his beatings I would run away to a field until he had calmed down. It would always be around an hour or 2 but I didn't mind. Being alone in solitude alone with my thoughts and alone with myself only.

I lit a cigarette and allowed myself to get lost in thought until a boy who looked around 2 years younger than me wandered past with his dog.

*don't make eye contact Rory DON'T!! *


The dog walks up with me and sniffs the air. I'm assuming he can smell the strong scent of tobacco that lingered around me.

“Don't worry, he's friendly. ” the boy said looking at me softly

“I figured” I said blankly

“But uhh, I'm more of a cat person, sorry.” I said scooting away from the dog.

“I Figured” he said calmly

For a few seconds we looked at each other in silence. None of us didn't bother to break our gaze.

“Are you okay?” the boy asked as he glanced at my bruised skin.

I didn't answer, I mean it was obvious I wasn't so why even bother asking?

“I'm Riley,” he said, smiling, showing off his straight white teeth.

“And I'm leaving” I said rolling my eyes and getting ready to go home

“That's an odd name” he said as he chuckled

I cringed at his attempt to be funny

“Haha” I said sarcastically, I threw my cigarette on the ground and stepped on it as I walked away from the strange boy

“You know smoking is bad for you right!?” He yelled, his voice echoing behind me

I rolled my eyes and continued walking hoping to never bump into the strange boy again.

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