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It's been almost a week since I met the mysterious girl near the field and for some reason ever since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, something about her drew me in.

Listen I wasn't the one to believe in love at first sight but whatever I felt when I saw her there felt pretty close to it and I can't help but hope I see her again.

I hadn't even realized the teacher had called out my name until one of my classmates tapped on my shoulder to bring me back to reality

“Riley I shouldn't have to call you more than twice, pay attention please and answer this question” the teacher said annoyed

Shit, I hadn't even been concentrating on whatever we're learning today. How the hell am I supposed to answer this?

“Well?” The teacher said

Before I could answer the sound of heavy boots awaited outside of the classroom and the door slowly creaked open

There stood before me was the mystery girl but there's been a slight change in her appearance, her before red hair has changed to a dark blue and she had never looked better

I felt my heart pound against my chest so hard I’d thought i could die, and suddenly everything around me seemed slow and all I saw was her

“It's you!!” I exclaimed without thinking and everybody in the classroom looked at me funny


The mystery girl looked at me and rolled her eyes but some reason it only made my heart beat faster than it did before.

“I've seen you two have met already so would you like to take a seat next to Riley please.” The teacher said,

She stared at me for a few seconds but it felt like forever and I could feel my cheeks burning as I stared back at her.

She sighed and pulled out the seat next to me and rested her book bag beside me

“We meet again” I said nervously, obviously sounding like a total dork

Still she said nothing, she treated me as if I wasn't even there but for some reason I didn't mind it, some may stop there but I didn't, I wanted to get to know everything about her and I wouldn't let some stubbornness get in my way.

“I didn't quite get your name from when we first met” I said smiling at her

“That's because I didn't give it to you.” She snickered

“you're right you didn't, maybe this is a good opportunity to tell me now?”

Yet again she rolled her eyes at me and then rested her arms on her desk and borrowed her face into it. I couldn't help but look at her still. I don't know why but something about her fascinates me and the urge to get to know her became stronger even since I ran into her that day.

It must be fate I said to myself, otherwise we wouldn't have met again!

Before I could say anything else the bell rang and everyone quickly began to back up their things including “her”.

The mystery girl began to leave the classroom and I quickly pack up my things and follow her out

I eventually catch up to her and I walk beside her not uttering a single word she suddenly breaks the silence.

“You know.. this starting to get a bit creepy” she said sarcastically

I stop.

“Is it?”

“Yeah.. I don't see why u need my name so badly” she said in genuine confusion

“Maybe I want to be friends, you kinda owe me after u did infect my dog with your poisonous tobacco air”

“Hey! I think you're forgetting your dog came to me, how about getting a leash on that thing?” she said rolling her eyes

That damn eye roll, I'd be lying if I said it didn't give me butterflies

I stood there for a few seconds without replying to her previous statement

“Rory” she said

“Rory..” I said

What a pretty name for such a pretty girl

“ You've got my name now, so could you please leave me alone?” She said awkwardly

“Actually Rory!” I said putting extra emphasis on her name “I was hoping you could sit with me at lunch.. In the library!” I said excitedly

“The library? Got no other friends to sit with?”

“I do.. But I'd rather sit with you if that's okay”

“No, it isn't bye.” she said walking off from me

My smile faded just as quick as she did and I couldn't help but feel disappointment

“At least I've got a name” I said to myself trying to remain positive as I watched the blue haired girl walk away from me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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