Chapter 1: A Subtle Challenge

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Detective Clyde Johnson clapped his large hands in glee. He had finally finished his last case! Now he was moving on to a personal matter. Winning the stubborn, most beautiful, heart stuttering woman in all of the world: Librarian Marilynn Neovaski.

Task Skill: Impossible.

But hey, Clyde was never one to turn down a challenge. He would do whatever it took to win Mari's heart, even if that meant quoting poetry, which he HATED and she loved. He had already begun to memorize bits and pieces from Shakespeare... but he wouldn't mention that they were from his most depressing work, Hamlet. His personal favorite quote, not that he liked any of them, mind you, was: "something is rotten in the state of Denmark." Yes, he literally went to google and searched: quotes from Hamlet. He also liked, "to be, or not to be!" But that was only because it was the most popular quote of all time, well second to the one about Romeo, Romeo, which he couldn't even remember at the moment.

Anywho! Clyde was currently heading to the library, to see the most lovely woman.
Although, he didn't know whether he should be brazen and declare his love to her, or if he should leave hints for weeks. He would rather marry her now... but what did she want?

Clyde took hold of the door handle and swung it open, managing to rip it right off the hinges. So much for the wonderful announcement he had planned. "Oops." He knew he was big and strong, he even liked to show off his muscles. Unfortunately, there was certain cons to his strength, such as ripping off doors.

"Detective Johnson, this is the second time you've barged into the libra-! Mr. Johnson! You knocked the door off!!"

Clyde thought this would be a perfect time to confess his love.

"My dear, dear Mari! Oh! How I love you!! As Shakespeare says in Hamlet, "something is rotten in the state of—"

"Mr. Johnson. Please. I already said I couldn't date you. Please stop asking." She tsked as she walked off, her glasses once again perched on the tip of her dainty nose.

Clyde felt his heart break into two. Not like the necklace charms with it right in half, but his was jagged and breaking off slowly. Every time she declined, he grew more consistent, more hurt. He pasted on a fake grin and sauntered up to her. Resting his arms on the counter in front of her, he cocked his hip. "Mari! Don't give up on me yet! I have great plans for the future!! As Shakespeare says, "to be! Or not-"

Her face turned red and blotchy, which made Clyde inwardly giggle, his pulse racing.

"Oh fine, dear! I'll leave, but I'm coming back!"

He turned and sauntered out of the door, knowing she was watching him from the tip of her nose. He didn't have time to go to jail today, he had a woman to win!

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