Chapter 6: Burnt, Raw, and True Love

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Clyde was about ready to punch the wall. He had finally received a letter in return. It said, as following;

"You are not worth the dust which the rude wind blows in your face."
-Ms. Neovaski

He was really upset. Maybe she was right. Maybe he wasn't worth her time-

No! No! No!! Persistence is what won a ladies heart!! He would try again!! First, he would bail himself out, which long story short, he did.

Once back at home, he decided to make her a meal and a cake. Deciding upon mashed potatoes, macaroni, corn, pork loin, and chocolate cake, he set to work. Two hours later, he put the dishes in his car and drove to her house, seeing as how the library was closed.

Pulling up into her driveway, he saw her peek out the window. He grimaced as the curtain slammed shut after she realized who was here.

He walked to the door and knocked. "Ms. Neovaski! I know you saw me! And I've brought you a lovely meal!! Please open!" A few minutes went by with no answer. "Ms. Neovaski!! I know how to break a door off its hinges! And cut a hole in the roof! I also know how to bust a window!! I am a detective after all! But you may call me a PI if you'd like! Or you can call me a-"

The door whipped open to a very angry and frowning woman. "Mr. Johnson. I am flattered that you've brought me a meal. However, I don't want it. Take it the orphanage or the homeless shelter." She went to slam the door, but Clyde stuck his foot in the way. "Ya-ouch!!" He yelled, but not removing his bruised foot. She was apparently going to slam the door... until his foot stopped it. "Please Mari! Accept this love I have for you!! Hear me out now-"

"Clyde!! Get off my lawn!"

"Did you just call me Clyde? It's working!! Persistence is working!"

Wait.... Did she almost smile? No.. his eyes had to be playing tricks. "Oh fine!! Fine! Hand me the meal and then leave!"

Clyde ran to his car and started carrying the dishes to her. "Mr. Johnson! This would feed an army! How am I ever supposed to eat all this! Now you must join me, I suppose."

"Ahh! Tis the answer I wanted to hear!"

After bringing in all the food, they set to dine, casually talking.

"Mr. Johns-"


"Ahem. Clyde. What has made you think you like me? I'm 72 for crying out loud. My hair is gray and I'm covered in wrinkles!"

"Better 'n my 76, wrinkles, and white hair. But it's your charms dear! You charmed me since we were kids! I've loved you for ages! You just never noticed!"

Mari nodded, thinking. She cut into her pork and grimaced. It was pink. She took a bite, trying not to be rude, but spit it out into a napkin at the first chance. Moving to the potatoes, she grimaced. Still clumpy. Macaroni; raw noodles. Corn? Burnt.

Finally, they got to desert after both choking down a little bit of food. The cake was mostly made of flour... seeing as how Clyde forgot the eggs.

"Alright. I accept. To be honest, I've liked you since I was 53. But then I had to play hard to get. Just didn't know it would take 19 years."

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