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Velvette's heart sinks as she braces herself for whatever punishment Bajillia has in store. She stands tall, trying to maintain her composure despite the fear churning in her stomach.

Velvette: (steadily) What do you want... mother...

Bajillia steps forward, her expression unreadable as she looks at Velvette with a mixture of disappointment and disdain.

Bajillia: (coldly) You know very well what I want, Velvette. You've brought shame upon our family with your suicide and your social media junk, and now it's time to face the consequences.

Lute stands protectively in front of Velvette, her fists clenched as she glares defiantly at her aunt.

Lute: (firmly) Leave her alone, you fat-faced fucker. Whatever issues you have with Velvette, it's between you and her. I won't let you lay a finger on her.

Bajillia's lips curl into a sneer as she looks at Lute with contempt.

Bajillia: (mockingly) And who do you think you are, little girl? You're nothing but a worthless mutt, not even worthy of being in my presence.

Lute: (defiantly) I may not be a Carmine by blood, but I'm more of a family to Velvette than you'll ever be. And I'll do whatever it takes to protect her.

Velvette places a hand on Lute's shoulder, grateful for her unwavering support. Despite the dire situation, a spark of hope flickers within her as she realizes she's not alone.

Velvette: (quietly) Thank you, Lute.

Bajillia scoffs at their display of solidarity, her disdain evident in her voice as she addresses them once again.

Bajillia: (icily) Save your sentimental nonsense for someone who cares. Now, come with me. It's time for you to take your place in this place. Coffee Guards, take them outside.


Meanwhile, outside the snow fortress, the group walks out to see Angel Dust looking at the distance silently.

Angel Dust stands alone, his gaze fixed on the horizon, lost in thought as the rest of the group approaches him cautiously.

Charlie: (softly) Angel...

Angel Dust turns to face the group, his expression weary and pained as he tries to mask the turmoil within.

Charlie: (gently) How are you holding up?

Angel Dust forces a small smile, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes as he struggles to find the right words.

Angel Dust: (quietly) I'm... I'm okay. Just... processing everything, you know?

Charlie steps forward, her concern evident as she reaches out to touch Angel Dust's arm.

Charlie: (softly) You don't have to pretend with us, Angel. We're here for you, no matter what.

Angel Dust's facade crumbles as he lets out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his emotions.

Angel Dust: (vulnerable) I just... I can't shake the guilt, Charlie. It's eating me alive... Molly... she didn't deserve any of this.

Emily: (realizing) Wait... Molly, I remember her from heaven.

Angel Dust: (surprised) You do, is she... okay?

Emily: (calmly) Well, I never got the chance to talk to her properly, but she did seem sweet, always smiling.

Angel Dust: (calmly) Good to know she's happy... she probably blames me for getting her killed.

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