Time Travel

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Today has been a shit show. It started with spilling my coffee on my jeans on the way to work, therefore I was late to open the bookstore. A shipment of new books for an author signing have been lost and I had to frantically search for enough books to hopefully tide us over. When I finally got to the end of my day and locked the bookstore, I found a flat tire on my old Jeep.

I sat crying in my car, and no not just from having a few things mess my day up. The worst part is the fact that no one seems to care or remember that today is my birthday. Any other year I wouldn't have minded, well maybe I would have minded a little, but this year is a big one. My dad has been telling me since I could remember how important this year of my life would be just like every other Winters before me.
At least I'll see him tonight.

Collecting myself I pull my phone from my bag and hover over calling my friend Gia or Aaron. Deciding not to bother my best friend who had just had a baby and I knew was super busy and stressed I tried my situationship Aaron..

"Lucy didn't expect to hear from you so early." Aaron answers his voice raspy like he still has sleep in his throat. Of course he would be sleeping after playing with his band all night.

"Hey Aaron, yeah it's just....... I'm kind of up shit creek without a paddle. I have a flat on my car.." I start to spill my problems to him but he interrupts me.

"Just put your spare on Luc. I know you can change a tire, you've told me how your dad made you learn everything so you will never need a man, right? Look Luc I gotta go. Kinda in the middle of somethin', I'll swing by after my set." He says in a bored tone and before I can even tell him that I already had the fucking spare on my car.

Fuck. Only one other person I can call, well really it will be her grandson that could help me. I scroll through my contacts and tap on Mrs. Weber. She picks up on the first ring and I feel sweet relief. Quickly I explain to my sweet elderly neighbor what happened and after she fusses over if I'm okay she promises to phone her grandson and I thank her politely.

Knowing I would have to wait I pick up my book to spend my time until I could be rescued.

I scream when someone taps on the window of my Jeep, blaming it mostly on reading a horror story. Reiner stood by the window smiling and I get out of the car.

"Reiner thank you so much, I hope this isn't too much trouble. Normally I could handle this myself but I already have the spare on." I stammer and wring my hands together, I hated feeling like I was bothering anyone.

Reiner still smiles politely and waves a hand as he moves back to his truck removing the tire and jack and places it on the ground beside my car. I stand awkwardly and watch as he jacks the vehicle up and changes the tire. He is beefy and good looking and I feel my face getting warm when he stands and looks at me after he is finished.

"Well that should do it. Gran was worried about you, I told her I would take care of you." Reiner says wiping a hand on his jeans, that hug everything and I swallow. Pulling my gaze back to his honey brown eyes and chestnut hair styled in a mullet, his beard full.

"Thank you so much! How much for the tire and your time?" I ask and fumble in the car with my purse trying to find cash when his hand rests on my shoulder. I turn back and he's standing close biding me in between him and my door. This is definitely a scene I have played in my dreams at night, with more spice though.

"Don't worry about it Lucy, you know I'm always happy to help." He still has his hand on my shoulder and is looking deep into my eyes and then he brushes my jaw before moving away. "Tell your Dad I said hello and Happy birthday Lucy."

I nod, my heart fluttering as he lazily gets into his truck and winks at me before pulling away. He knew it was my birthday? And of course he always says to tell Dad hello, even though he knows Dad's unresponsive in the hospital. Getting into my car I make my way home to shower and change before going to visit Dad.

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