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After Officer Meier was inside his room I ran from the apartment, going to the only place I could trust, or at least I hoped I could.
I stood shaking and crying at the back door of the Photography Shop. Charles had answered the door and ushered me up the stairs into their home. For the second time I had found myself crying to them and after all their kindness I had let it all out.
Telling them everything that has happened since I woke up here two months ago. They had stared at me for a long time before Adele laughed and waved it off as no big deal.
And in fact it had been no big deal, because Adele was just like me!
She told me her story of waking up on her 25th birthday the same as me and finding herself in 1917. She had blended in until she had found a man everyone had claimed a mad man.
He had told her of a place in Switzerland where it has been thought for centuries that a person could travel to other times past and future.
Adele never made it there to see if that was true as she had been brought in as a nurse by mistake during the Great War and had not Charles when he was brought in wounded.
The couple had looked at each other in complete adoration as they spoke of love at first sight. Of course it had been a few years before they were able to reconnect and marry. She had chosen to stay and be with Charles though she did tell him of her strange arrival here and she had proof, an old Nokia phone.
They had quickly agreed to help me get proper documents, actually they had already started working on it when Charles suspected there was something about me like his Adele.
We worked through most of the night, then I had been unable to fall asleep on their couch, just lying awake until the sun began rising.


Unable to lay anymore I got up and opened the shop for them getting everything ready for the day. I left a note that I would be back for my shift and left the solace of the store with my folder tucked under my arm for the journey to Headquarters.
I almost turned around twice but pushed forward and now as I stared at the dark building I wanted to vomit.
I could do this, I'm strong.
Repeating that mantra in my head I walked inside and went to the large desk manned by a young soldier.
"Hh-Hello, I'm here to see Obersturmführer Meier, he should be expecting me." I was glad my voice had held besides my initial stumble.
"He's in a meeting right now Fräulein, it will certainly be awhile until he is finished. Perhaps I can escort you for lunch, ja?" The soldier asks smiling while giving me a once over.
Before I can respond the folder is ripped from me. I turn to find Officer Meier there holding it and tuck my hands into the folds of my dress as they shake.
He tosses a command to follow over his shoulder and so I do. As we reach his office he sits and waves a hand and I take that as an invitation to sit and perch on the edge of the chair watching him. I try to keep my breathing even and will myself not to throw up as my stomach pitches.
I'm not sure how long it's been but he tosses the papers at me and some flutter to the floor and tells me to leave.
Don't have to tell me twice to leave. I'm gathering my paper in an instant and practically running from his office.
"Lucy what are you doing here? Is everything alright?" A familiar voice calls to me and I feel a rush of relief as Wolf comes to stand next to me a worried look on his handsome face. He takes my hand and leads me outside before embracing me in a hug rubbing my back.
"It was just an issue with my identification that Obersturmführer Meier agreed to help me with." I mumble into his shoulder as he holds me to him.
"I'm surprised Meier offered his help!" He said and then laughed, I could feel it rumble through his chest and lean back to look at him.
Wolf smiles at me and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I lean into his touch grateful for his calming presence.
"I am fortunate to have ran into, I would like to take you to lunch but I will have to be leaving for maneuvers shortly. Would i be and to make this offense up on Thursday by taking you on a more relaxed date in the countryside?" He asked, his green eyes locked with mine.
"I look forward to it, Wolf." I reply and kiss his cheek before saying good bye and rushing back to the store.
"Since you are here I think everything went smoothly?" Charles asked when I walk into the back, he's peering over his wire rimmed glasses at me.
I simply nod not wanting to discuss my visit, though I do sneak up to hug Adele and tell her I'm okay.
It's a slow day so I fill the time with cleaning until it's time to lock up. Grabbing my purse I call out that I'm leaving to Charles who is in the dark room in the back.
Deciding to check in on Amelia to see why she was acting so strange last night I turn the opposite direction of home.
I walk purposely toward the address she had given me a while ago, ignoring any remarks or calls from the Germans but thankfully not many were around. I wondered if so many were gone because of the maneuvers Wolf had mentioned.
Double checking the address I knock on the door of the two story white house. I wait for someone to answer and tap my foot on the steps.
The door opens and Amelia smiles beckoning me inside.
"Ma chère! I didn't expect you over is everything okay?" She asks closing the door behind me.
"Oh no I'm fine. I just wanted to check in on you, you just seemed like something had happened yesterday."
Amelia sighs and dramatically falls into the large chair and I take a seat on the couch.
"You know how it is, just dealing with men. You must tell me about your date with Wolfgang! Lucy you are lucky you know? Not all of us have such thoughtful lovers that take us on such outings." She pouted.
I shake my head, she's got the wrong idea we are just getting to know each b other not lovers yet.
"We aren't lovers, we've only kissed! The evening was actually really nice though." I say smiling remembering the feel of his lips on mine.
Besides the whole thing of Wolf's friend trying to get rid of you!
"It's only a matter of time until you are lovers, he is mad about you. He really is so handsome isn't he? Oh we will all look like celebrities when we attend the Officers party!" She cries in excitement then covers her mouth a look of guilt crossing over her.
"What party?" I ask confused on who 'we' is supposed to mean.
"Oh drat! I'm so sorry Lucy he was supposed to ask you, and here I just flapped my lips and ruined it!" She was going on in hysterics. I reach over taking her hands to pull her back from the drama queen edge.
"It's okay Amelia, really! You can just go ahead and tell me and then I can still act surprised when he asks." I say nodding very curious about this party.
"Well if you're certain. There is an Officers party in Paris! Wolfgang is going to ask you to be his guest for it! Don't worry because I will be there as well." Amelia gushes and laughs squeezing my hands until it hurts.
An Officers party, that seems pretty daunting.
I push my feelings aside giving her a smile and hoping it looks genuine.
"Wait who are you going with?" I ask.
Amelia lets go of my hands and lights a cigarette, taking her time for a dramatic pause I assume.
After what feels like an hour she exhales smoke wafting between us and I fight the urge to fan my hand in front of my face.
"Obersturmführer Meier." Is all Amelia replies a slow grin spreading across her lips. She looks like the cat that ate the canary but I feel sick.
She's going to this event with HIM?!
"Are you sure you want to go with him? I live with him and know nothing about him except how awful he is." I say my mind flooding with everything he's done.
Amelia waves her hand so as to say it doesn't matter.
"He's just reserved Lucy. I'm a big girl I can handle myself you know."
My mind is spinning and I feel sick, I excuse myself saying I'm unwell and she tries to convince me to stay until I'm better but I shake my head and leave.

Edelweiss: A Time Travel RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now