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Obersturmführer Eike Meier stood in the hallway of the apartment building taking a glance at the paper of the address of his new residence and rapped on the door. He was annoyed to have finally gotten a proper place away from the hotel and roommate he had been living with the past week upon arriving here, so late in the day as he would have to return to work after settling his things inside.

Eike tapped a foot as the door remained closed and he was about to start knocking harder when the door swung open. A beautiful young woman flung the door open her blonde hair askew as if she had been sleeping, brown eyes wide in confusion as she took him in. It certainly didn't hurt his pride that she seems to be as pleased with his looks as he was hers. Then he let his gaze fall to her body and he startled upon seeing her in barely anything and snapped his eyes back to her face.

"Excuse me, I did not realize you were not dressed for the day. May I come back when you are done?" He asked careful to stare only at her beautiful eyes and full lips. She glances down and seems to realize what she is wearing and crosses her arms across her ample chest. His hands itched to remove her arms and bare her chest but he refrained and watched her look even more lost and confused.

"I have no idea what you're talking about but I assume you are part of some reenactment. I don't really know what you would need from me, or why you're speaking German though." The girl says and her voice is like velvet and Eike wants to hear her talk more. And for some reason he decides to act as if he does not speak English wanting to see her reaction.

"Ah.......English....nein." He says watching her closely "German is spoken here now." Finishing in his native tongue and she seems irked by this and her become red and a fire in her eyes. Eike enjoys getting under her skin and after introducing himself she closes the door as his fellow Officer Oberleutnant Wolfgang Bauer sidles up near him.

"I was not aware you were billiges with such a beautiful woman or I would have taken your lodgings as my own." Bauer commented a smirk playing on his mouth and Eike made a noncommittal comment. The door opened again and the girl was dressed properly and put together but she still seemed flighty. Eike again told her who he was and why he was here, trying once again to speak to her in his native tongue hoping she did know the language as he was tired of speaking English and French.

The girl scrunched her eyebrows together and her full lips pressed together into a line but she did not protest. Eike removed his cover and took a step into the apartment but the girl let out a squeal of outrage and slammed the door on his foot. He gritted his teeth with annoyance at her brash decision and was ready to force his way in and give at least a tongue lashing as she yelled at him about coming into her apartment.

Much to Eike's dismay Bauer steps in apologies made to the girl and the hint made that Eike is not fluent in English yet. Eike snorted and received a glare from Bauer as he calmed the woman while simultaneously flirting with her. She seemed to have no qualms to this but leveled Eike with a stern look before allowing him entrance into the apartment, careful to not touch this hormonal girl he made his way to the bedroom she had gestured to.

Eike made quick work of unpacking his things, neatly folding underthings and placing them in the drawer of the dresser and placing his pressed uniforms in the wardrobe.

He sat upon the bed in his new billeted room, exhausted. The place was at least cleaned and owned by a young girl, who clearly had spirit. He had been surprised when she had tried to stop him from entering the apartment until Bauer had stepped in. Eike was well spoken in English, although not as refined as Bauer but the anger he had seen in the girls eyes when she thought he could not understand had awoken a small part of his soul that has long since been numb. As much as she had impressed him he had an equal amount of anger at her defiance. He also found it odd for an American to be in such a small town in the Occupation Zone, it seeded distrust in his chest. Eike knew many had fled before the war or gotten out just in time and even some who where stuck but they had went to Paris and other larger locations.

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