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Reiesa POV

"Amma, for the last time i'm adopting an orphan not a murderer."

"You don't know that- I just saw a movie where this white couple adopts an orphan and the kid just kills them."

I sighed. "You watch too many shows and movies amma, your imagination is going through the roof right now. Are you sure you are okay?"

I heard her scoff.

"When you are dying with a knife in your stomach don't cry. I told you so."

"I'm taking this as a yes! Thank you amma love you! Bye" I ramble quickly so that I can cut the call before she can change her opinion.

She sighed but I could hear her smile behind that.

"It's nice to hear you smile. Let me know how the process goes. Take care. Bye beta"

I grin so wide that Asia could fit in.

I've been spending 6-7 months talking to my parents trying to convince them that I should adopt a kid. They were hesitant at first but after all the subtle hints, directly speaking to them and asking every third person to convince them, it worked.

I know I got lucky with them. My idea of living wasn't exactly........ common.

It wasn't completely unusual either but again most of the people who lived the way I did weren't Asian.

Look, i'm not being racist but somehow sterotype got its way and now if you don't live the 'sterotype' way you get judged.


And i'm speaking about this from expericence.

Which is why I decided that I needed a fresh start and shifted from my parents house at the age of 29 and moved all the way to Maldives as soon as I got a job offer.

Now I work in an architectural firm which specialises in making holiday homes and resorts and i'm quite happy with my position there. Gives me a lot of money.

And when I say "a lot" I mean "A LOT".

To convince my parents, I had even started taking foster care classes.

Which basically worked in my favour cause now I don't have to wait for long to start the adopting process.

I really don't get it. Honestly sex should be banned to have kids.

So many people on Earth and you decide to have more.

But again, it could be cause i'm biased.....

I change into a comfortable sweatshirt and jeans and make my way for the weekend grocery shopping. At the rate I eat food, it's quite suprising that Maldives hasn't gotten dead yet.


I walk between aisle when I see her, my competitor who wants to adopt the same kid as me. Slyly, I open the recorder app press record and continue my own buisness knowing that she would come to me first.

"You must be really mad if you think you can win him you know?"

And since I was already happy because it was a yes from my parents (which was as good as winning 80% of the case), I decided to play dumb until I get all the evidence I need to help me win the case.

I'm too smart, yes i'm aware.

"Huh?? I'm sorry?" was my beautiful reply.

"Don't play dumb with me. You must be really stupid if you think you can win Micen over. And you don't even have a husband. How will you even take care of this kid?"

I swear I could've killed her right there.

"At least i've a reason to adopt him."

"Oh really? Weren't you blessed with a girl last year?" I ask.

I was actually curious about that one guys.

"Yes which is exactly more reason why I need to adopt the kid."

What. Is. She.On?

Seriously, am I missing out on something? Like is this a trend or something where you have to say only the most stupid shit you can? Because if it is i'm seriously missing out.

Not that i'm complaining.

Who am I kidding? I totally am.

"You want to adopt this kid because he can babysit your kid?? Are you even listening to yourself right now? I don't think so I mean look what you are saying!"

"Listen lady, my buisness is my buisness and so is yours."

You know the feeling where you have to pee really bad and you would do anything to save your dignity?

Yeah that is the same way I feel about strangling her right here.

'Think about her little girl and leave her alone'

'Thats it walk away slowly.'

'Don't look back or the hippo will come charging at you'

I walk back all the way to the billing backwards pulling my cart with me. Slowly might I add.

I turn around and start piling up my groceries on the counter so that the cashier can bill it up.

"MVR25.5 . Will you be needing a bag?"

"Uh no thanks." I pull out my wallet and hand the cashier the bag.

Kids, this is called multitasking.

"Here" I say and collect the bag from the cashier.

"Thank you" the monotonous voice of the cashier speaks up from behind.

"Yeah you too! Wait my bad! Uhh... Bye"

I hate being awkward.

I then stop recording and send it to my lawyer.

Dammit should've removed the interaction with the cashier....

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