Chapter Three: Aftermath

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Chapter Three

I am grateful for the interruption when Dex calls my name, but that relief turns to fear as I open my eyes to see his ashen expression. "Amelia, did you say you were taken in December of twenty eighteen?" "Yes. I was taken on Thursday December 13, 2018" I say. "Amelia, do you know what day it is?" His concern is palpable at this point and I can feel my heart race again as I shake my head no. "I'm sorry to have to say this but, it's Monday October 5, 2020. You've been missing for nearly two years." 

The tears pull in the corners of my eyes and I begin to shake. "My family! My family!" I scream out. Dex does his best to explain to me that they won't be able to contact my family until the morning after the police have searched the entire property. While all of the victims they have found are dead, they can't be sure there aren't additional victims in the surrounding woods.

"What next?" I ask, genuinely curious. "Well", Dex replies, "unfortunately the man who did this to you and those women wasn't here when we arrived. To be honest with you Amelia, the DEA was here on a drug tip and had no idea what they were walking into. We don't even know his name, or if it was only one man." "It was." I state in a forceful tone. "So what we do know is that it was one man, he killed and raped at least 37 women and for some reason, he didn't kill you." Dex's tone is far more serious as he delivers those terrifying words.

The next hour was a blur of overstimulating lights, sounds, sensations and pain. I went from feeling scared to angry, back to scared at least a dozen times and all I wanted to do was talk to my family, to see Bee and my dad.

I know they were just doing their jobs and that I was safe, but having the rape kit done was one of the most traumatizing moments of my life, even with all I had endured with HIM and the police tonight. I was surrounded by doctors, nurses, and law enforcement all talking to me at the same time. "Do you have any history of cancer in your family?" "Yes, my mom died of breast cancer in two thousand and eighteen." "Did he ever put you in the room with the other women? Did you ever hear screams or fighting?" I can't answer before the next question flies at me. "Can you tell us why he didn't kill you?" The voices and questions are all mixed up together and I can't think over all of the noise. No sooner than I think, I can't take anymore, a voice cuts through my thoughts. "Everybody out! Now!" It's not a yell, it's that authoritative tone that pierces through your whole body. It's stern and to the point and without another word, everyone leaves as quickly as they came. Only then do I see him in the doorway. "Thank you Dex." I say. A small smile pulls at one side of his mouth and I swear I see a glimmer of happiness in his eyes.

I saw the sun rise about an hour ago so I ask the question. "What about my family? I've given the officers and agents everything they needed. They have their names, phone numbers, their address and descriptions. I really need to see my family now." I implore him with my eyes to tell me they are just in the lobby and about to walk in. "Amelia, I need to tell you something and I need you to hear me okay?" I tilt my head as my concerns spread from my mind to clearly visible on my face. "I checked with the officer assigned to your family." His pause is too long, something is wrong. What is it? Is Bee sick? Did dad fall back into a depression and start drinking like that month after mom died? "What!" I scream, and it's more of a plea. "Last year, your dad and your sister were struck by a drunk driver and they were killed on impact. Your father and your sister are dead."

I remember nothing after hearing that vial word, dead. The nurses tell me I went hysterical and couldn't stop crying, leaving them no choice but to sedate me. That was three days ago and I assure you that waking up in those restraints was not a welcome reminder of what I had just survived.

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