Chapter 2

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"It is about time you showed up. You are over ten minutes late,"Spantintine Qualli said, getting out of the chair and walking around the desk towards Emily and Michael,"You do realise that being late is not 'fashionable', it is only agitating."

"I told you," Emily growled, she elbowed him in the side and got a little "Ow" in return. She looked back at Qualli,"What did you want to talk about?"

"Johnathan Was."

"What is there to talk about? We arrested him in March." Michael said, interrupting Emily before she could utter a word.

"I have asked you here to talk about his escape two days ago after we had found the guards dead outside and in the Allainia Prison."


"Oh. Ok then. And I'm guessing you want us to get him. Again."

"Yes. But there is something else. There is a rumour that will take place soon that has been confirmed by multiple visionists in the council. They saw Johnathan Was and his new partner, Varlow Fysta, breaking out an asylum patient named Scarlet Black. As you might know, she was put there after the war against Harlowin Jagged and his followers in Dublin for being highly...unstable. I do not know what he would want with her but I want you to find out and stop it before their plan has gone too far. And arrest Varlow Fysta as well, he might cause chaos if you do not."

Michael tipped his hat to her and walked out the door with Emily trailing behind. And as soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs to the way out, she spoke.

"Do you know anything about these people? And you've never told me about a war before."

"I know."

She stopped,"Well? Tell me."

He sighed and said,"In 1661 there was a war between the sorcerers in Ireland that didn't want people to know magic exists, and the people who did. The war lasted eighty years before Harlowin Jagged was killed... Scarlet Black was on the good side. I know two of Scarlet's friends actually. Deniver Anowin and Enilia Queer. They moved here to see how Scarlet is doing every once in a while."

"Oh that's great actually. Do you know where they live? We can see if we can get any information on her to try and get some motives for Was and Fysta."

"Good Idea."

Once they had climbed the stairs and reached the car, started the engine and buckled their seatbelts, they drove off and made their way to Queer's house first.

Twenty minutes later, they had arrived to a little old cottage in the country side surrounded by trees, bushes, flowers and fresh air.

"Ideal for a soldier after a war I guess." Emily thought as they made their way up the dirt path.

Before Michael could knock on the door, however, a young looking woman with light brown hair opened the door with a bored look on her face. She had light-blue eyes and had dark freckles across her nose. She was wearing a blue top and grey jeans with black boots that reached just under her knees.

"Michael Dark what do you want now?" Enilia said.

"First of all, I'm great, good day to you too. And second of all, how did you know we were coming?"

"Qualli called. She suspected you were coming to talk to either me or Deniver. And, as always, she was right."

"And I suspect you know what we came here to talk about?"

She sighed a sad sigh and stepped aside,"Unfortunately, yes. Come on in."

They followed her inside and shut the door behind them. The room she had lead them to was a small little living room with a grey sofa against the far wall, and an arm chair in one corner with a lamp standing next to it. The floor was a wooden floor with swirling patterns and a couple of flowers dotted around. Not much to Emily, but it was still a cosy looking living room so she had decided to like it either way. Queer gestured towards the sofa, indicating for them to sit down.

After they had sat, Michael stated the obvious,"I think you know that we are here to talk about your dear friend Scarlet Black."

"Well yes, why else would Qualli tell me you were coming. She told me about the visions you dingbat," She said, rolling her eyes then sighed,"You should have gone to Deniver, he's in a better mood that me. He always is and you should've known that."

"I know but you live closer..."

"Oh my goodness me, Michael..."

"Anyway," Emily said,"We need to know more about what Scarlet did in the war. We think that if we know more about what she did in the war then we would figure out what Was and Fysta would want with her."

"Ah yes. Straight to the point, I like that," She took a deep breath and slowly letting it out,"Scarlet was a strong, fun, independent soldier with a secret she had kept until that one day when she just...broke. She had been missing from camp for almost a week and we had still seen no sign of her. Until later that night, she came back angry. Angry, and...well...I don't know what it was but there was something else there that everyone saw. And it was scary. I saw my once fun, playful, happy friend come back in pieces. And she wouldn't tell me what had happened, where she had gone, what she had seen until I found her somewhere in the forest that had surrounded us under a tree. Crying with her hands in fists. When I sat down next to her she had told me that someone had blindfolded her and had taken her to an abandoned building and chained her to a wall. She had said that she could hear people crying and begging to be let go. She just didn't realise that it was her husband and child until someone named Vax Timid brought them into the room and chained them onto the wall opposite to her. And that's when she saw them tortured. They had Tortured them for a week when they saw that she was going to break. Then they killed them. And that was it. There was nothing she could do. Shortly afterwards they had let her go after they had taken her five minutes away from camp. And that's when she decided she was going to kill Vax Timid and there was nothing we could do to change her mind."

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