Chapter 4

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When they had gotten to Deniver's house a little over twenty minutes away, they had arrived to a small bungalow with a granite path leading to the front door. When Michael knocked, a large, broad shouldered man with short, brown hair and kind eyes opened the door and smiled at him in greeting.

"Hello Deniver. It is good to see you again my friend. This is my work partner and friend Emily Crow." Michael said. She waved in politeness and smiled at Deniver, who kindly waved back and gave her a kind smile back.

"Oh, hello there. It is good to see you too Michael. Hello Emily. Would you like to come in?" He asked.

"If you wouldn't mind."

He stepped aside and led them into a small dining room with a table large enough to fit four wooden chairs with a red cushion on each chair underneath, where they sat as they talked to Deniver about Scarlet.

"What was Scarlet like in the war?" Emily asked.

"Brutal. She had no feelings for anyone she had as an enemy apart from rage. Even if it was someone she knew she would still feel the same way. It wasn't right." He said in sadness.

"Did she have any close relationships with anyone? Apart from you and Enilia of course."

"Only one. She had saved a man from who we now know as The Wantinors. A group of assassins set to find anyone with information their hirer needed, then killed them so they wouldn't be caught. She had started talking to him and we noticed them getting closer and closer each time they spoke with eachother. Then we eventually noticed that they had gotten closer. But he had made her happy and we couldn't take that away from her. Why would we want to anyway? It was the happiest we had seen her since that day she came back to camp after being missing for a week."

"What was his name?"

"George Xeniota.  Unfortunately he is dead now. Vax Timid found him and killed him on the battlefield to make Scarlet angry. It worked but his plan went...wrong."

"How wrong?" Michael said.

"Wrong. For Vax and for Scarlet. Our teleporter had taken Vax into our custody and into a cell before Scarlet could kill him on the spot... I will never forget how, how angry she had looked then. It wasn't the Scarlet we had known. And it was not the Scarlet we had seen before."

"What had happened after? If you don't mind talking about it. If it's too much then we can leave it and move on."

"No, no. It is quite alright. Once the battle against Vax and his handful of soldiers was over, me, Scarlet, Enilia and a few Polinas went down to his cell to question him. The Polinas stayed outside the room to guard the door. We knew at the time that Scarlet would try to kill him, so we didn't let anyone bring any weapons in there incase she took them and went for his cell. We had asked some questions and gotten little information when we had decided to leave it and go back and try again the next day, but as we had turned to leave, Vax had started to talk to Scarlet... He had started to taunt her and had started reminding her of if what he had done to her family and how they had screamed... How they had begged... And all she could do then was watch. All she could do then was watch her family be tortured for days and how he had killed them...and that's when he hsd gone too far. And that's why she is where she is now."

Silence replaced the words that was no longer going to be spoken. Stillness took over and mixed with the silence, making an uncomfortable, uncanny environment. Emily didn't like it.

"Thank you for you time. We are grateful for the information and wish you good day." She said and led Michael out of the house and to the car, leaving Deniver in the same mood they had left Enilia with, silent and hurt. Hurt by the memories of their best friend turn into a monster.

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