Chapter 2

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The night was dark and shadows lurked waiting for an opportunity to attack. Charlotte was fast alseep burried under all the layers. Crack.

Charlotte woke with a freight, she ripped off the covers and ran out of her room. She opened the door to Elena and she was already awake and in tears. What's going on , she sobbed. Charlotte hugged her as they ran out of their room and into the corridor.

A few minutes had passed and while they were running they bumbed into Alex and Joseph. What going on do you guys kno- , suddenly the boat dropped a bit causing scream in other rooms. Joseph pulled Elena up from the floor and signaled to go straight. Alex shook his head as he ran off to the left but Charlotte didn't see him.

Charlotte had already run off to the right looking for a way out. Guys this way, she called back but no-one was there. Water had started to come in. In second, she dashed for the window plunging Charlotte into freezing waters.

She desperately swan upword breaking at the surface. She lifted herself onto a piece of floating wood catching her breath. The boat was now destroyed with many holes  and no-one else was there. The sea clawed for her, pushing her around in her little make shift boat.

The sea refused to quit and remained angry she turned back to the ship just before it burst into flames.

No , she screamed, Elena , Jo , Alex . She cried hot tears falling down her face like an endless river. She layed spraled on the wood sobbing and shaking. I'm sorry I'm sorry, she cried harder looking  for anyone so she wouldn't be alone.

Just then she spotted someone in the water bobbing up and down. Alex. She dived into the water pulling him onto the piece of wood. Come on come on please Alex don't leave me alone, she cried repeating CPR  over and over.

Alex coughed up water and turned on his side getting oxygen into his body. Charlotte pulled Alex up until he was sitting.

Charlotte what happend , Charlotte.  But she could barely make out the words. The b-boat it it sunk , she cried pointing to the burning ship now in the distance. They were drifting. Far.

Joseph, Elena , our class , Alex looked at her with pain in his eyes. She just shook her head. It was just them alone in the middle of the ocean. Omg Alex your leg, she started as he lifted it into his view. Shit . He winced as he looked at the cut.

She removed the bandana that was holding her hair in place and wrapped it tightly around his cut. They sat in silence for a while as the burning ship got further and further away.

Charlotte , Alex turned to her , his hair plastered to his face. She looked down tears falling into her soaked clothes. Hey it's ok we'll be ok , he smiled his own tears falling as he wiped them away.

Alex you look , before she could finish her sentence he passed out laying flat on the wood. She tried to wake him but she soon felt it too. The horrific pressure pushing on her head. She fell right next to him her tears drying on her cheeks.

Charlotte's eyes opened to bright sunlight and sand in evey crevice of her body even in her mouth. She coughed up sand and looked around at her surroundings. Her vision was hazy but clear enough to see where she was.

She was lying on a beach, clothes wet and slightly ripped. She was about to try and stand up when arms grabbed her pulling her out of the sand. Alex.

Charlotte hugged him tightly as she looked around further to see a forest about half a mile from the beach.

Hey I thought you were dead for a while before you began stirring, he smiled as she let go of his embrace as nice as it was. They sun ruthlessly beat down on them as Charlotte looked into a pair of dazzling green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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