the basics

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what are the basics?

the basics are meditation, grounding & centering, energy work

meditation is the process of calming and emptying ones mind. it is a building block that will allow you to do move advanced spellwork, from grounding & centering, to communicating with spirits. meditation works for most witchs but not all so don't worrie if it doesn't always work with you.

grounding & centering

being grounded is is the state of being physiclly present in your surroundings. it is also the exchange of energy between the Earth and yourself. grounding helps to balance you out so that you have enough energy.

centering is the state of having total focus on your current goal. the is a necessary mindset to have before you cast a spell or do a divination session. when your mind is quite and your only thinking of your goal, thats when you centered.

energy work

have you ever had a "hunch" about someone or walked into a room and something felt "off"? have your phone ring and instantly know who was calling? talked to someone and feel drained after? made a choice because it "felt right" and not use logic or reason

these are all examples of when you have felt energy and how you're mind and body have reated to it. you are senseing and directing it all the time

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