tips for the closet

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here are some important tips for any closet witchs

1. prepare everything and anything in advance

2. after you've finished make sure everything is put back the way it was as soon as possible. take photos of how things were set up beforehand so that its in exactly the same spot

3. make sure you have valid excuses for things. e.g if you have crystals say that they were for a science project, no ones gonna give a second thought if your keeping up with the moon phases. if they do say its for a school project. read the percy jackson series, it'll look like your interested in ancient mythology. being interested in Harry potter is a good excuse as well.

4. hide everything. change the hiding spots regularly 

5. back everything up. if you have a physical BoS make a digital one incase one of them gets found

6. if you have a good relationship with your family keep up that relationship, make regualr appeatences

7. try to read Ebooks instead of physical ones, easier to hide

8. try to use travel alters. if you have one on your self make it look like its a decorted self not an alter

9. when doing something with tarot cards, or any form of divintaion take a photo of the result straight away

10. if your cleansing your crystals only do a few at a time and get up early in the morning to collect them

11. if you hide something under your pillow don't forget its there

goodluck :)

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