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exams are finally over. I should go somewhere nice with yunjin jay thought while making his way to yunjin's classroom.

he got confused when students starts gathering somewhere.

he spotted karina so he decided to come up to her and ask her what was happening.

"something's going on?"-jay

"you know the girl who spread those rumors? yunjin just slapped her" karina grin.

"she did what??" jay widened his eyes and glance at where the people were gathering and he saw chaewon and yunjin.

"you okay, chaewon??" yeji asked worriedly.

"what do you think you're doing? you wanna die?" chaewon glared at yunjin.

"i thought you're the one who wanted to die, blabbing and all." yunjin blunt, "i pretend i didn't know, you think I'm an idiot?"

chaewon stare at her in shock.

"you understand that this is a breach of contract, don't you? did you even discuss it with your dad?" yunjin expressed harshly as she stepped forward that made chaewon step backward.

"I'm sure you've already prepared the money you need to return since you're going this far, right?"-yunjin

"what is she talking about? contract? what money?" yeji whisper asked chaewon.

"b-bullshit, i didn't do anything. you've got it all wrong, i don't give a damn about you" chaewon gave yunjin a dirty look.

"no one here is interested in what you d--" chaewon didn't finish her word when yunjin slapped her.

"h-how dare you?!" chaewon yelled.

yunjin slapped her again back and forth.

:why is she doing that?

:should we call a teacher?

:holy shit, it's getting out of control

:someone do something!

"if you want to bring me down do it properly."-yunjin

"anonymous post? is that all you've got? if you're scared of being found out, at least use an overseas server, you stupid bitch" yunjin slapped her for the one last time.

:she must be the one who uploaded the post on the anonymous discussion board!

:is that why yunjin's slapping her?

:this is juicy

"with this, huh yunjin will be done once and for all" they took out their phones and started recording.

yunjin kicked chaewon's knee that made chaewon lose her balance and end up on the floor.

"chaewon!" kazuha shouted as she ran to chaewon, "that's enough, i won't take it anymore" kazuha said while glaring at yunjin.

"you'd better think before you act, can't you see everyone's filming this. What you did just now...it was all recorded" chaewon laughed evilly.

yunjin widened her eyes and suddenly laughed like a maniac.

"go ahead, film it. Should i strike a pose for you all?" she asked sarcastically.


"reporters are people who'd die to get a commercial contract from hk and the post you all upload are surveilled by hk 24/7" yunjin said, "have you ever seen a single article about me? I mean, that's why you posted it in the first place..you were frustrated" she added.

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