Secret Legacy Of Daniel Cover

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Okay okay, it must be a dream. I'm sorry? I just want to scream. What's all this? Am I some kind of main character of a crazy movie or something?

           Saying that I kicked a stone. Again wasting my energy.  That stone somehow hit the pocket of Mr Cover. And I heard a sound like a tap on paper. I thought it would be useless to check a dead man's pocket. What am I even thinking man? Do I have some kind of miracle syndrome? I walked away, as I was walking away I looked back. I was like fine. Let me just check before going.

          I found a notepad that said, Daniel Cover sent me to find "Sina Tana". I know he wouldn't believe me if I reveal my true Identity which I will never. All I can say is I'm a worker of space travel hub. I want to rescue every person and I'm here searching for Sina Tana.

         I threw the notepad in the lake. What's happening? Are they all obsessed with writing notes? And why do this note sound like it is made for me personally? And all these are planned to happen. It feels like someone Is looking at me. Looking at all my actions. I'm feeling suffocated now....

        But none of these things explain. How did he knew my exact name? "Sina Tanta". How does he know I'm alive? And why everything looks like that someone has planned this to happen to save me? Having all these questions in my mind makes me anxious and suffocated. Is there someone spying on me? Without knowing anything I just moved towards the point marked on map. But this time slowly and with alertness, carefully examining any potential clues.

         Why did that random guy faked being Daniel Cover and where did he got his ID Card? Im sure the real Cover is behind all this.

          After meeting the fake Cover my wanting to meet the real Cover and get all my answers from him spiked high. I just wanted to meet that guy and just hold his collar and ask him what the f*ck is going on?

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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