~Chapter 5~

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I was so worried because I didn't know I was actually venomous like that.
I don't want to be the first to kill a Kymari for no reason.
Fortunaately, it didn't seem to be that bad since I didn't get a good bite in.

"I think I'll be fine. It doesn't seem to be spreading and should wear off soon. I'll try to get an antivenom made, but try not to let him bite you if possible." The vet advised.

"Thank you."

Since we didn't appear too agitated, they lured us right back into the carriers again.
We just went with it, and Jayla was relieved to escape the needle.

They exchanged names and a small bottle of an unknown substance as they left and I finally learned the name of the Kymari I chose.
His name was Tallik.

When they finally reached home I did not expect them to let us out after what happened. Me especially.
I couldn't help but compare letting me out of that confined area to releasing a ticking time bomb.

I chirped and squeaked happily, though.
They still don't look like they know what to do with me.

Usually at this point they should be trying to get us comfortable around them, but Jayla was the only one acting reserved.
I was fighting off the instincts of my body well, but it wasn't easy if you didn't have good mental discipline.

Tallik watched far enough to avoid discomforting us as time passed.
I just glared until his dad came back with a couple bowls and a lamp.

"You're going to need these." He informed gleefully.
I could sense that he was really happy for this development, if just for the excuse to force Tallik into his training.

Most Kymari were supposed to have at least some martial interest, but Tallik didn't seem to want that at all.
I knew he had the talent, but he wanted something else?

"Thanks, I heard they love the heat lamps." He thanked as he put it on the table around us and seemed to plug it in somewhere.

One of the bowls contained a lot of sand and was placed under the lamp.
Experimentally, we went under it only to realize how much better it felt than the sun.

Even if we had to share it, it still felt amazing.
It couldn't hurt to just sleep here...

"Oh this feels so good, it's so worth staying here." Jayla mumbled through mindspeak while squeaking contentedly.

After a few moments of silence, Tallik opened the lid covering the other bowl and held out a sunburst berry in front of us.
I can tell he wanted one of us to come closer.

That was quite the bold thing to try so early, and Jayla already hissed at him getting closer.
I felt like I should too, but I was dead set on not letting myself get carried away by unfamiliar instincts like the rest of the dragonets do, even if it takes a lot of mental strength to hold back.

I got closer and then snatched the berry out of his hand, snorting in amusement as I watched him get worried that I was going to bite or claw him.
Maybe I should start clawing at him to make sure he reacts quickly.

"Fire lizards are so cute. Even the scary ones..."

I almost spat out my berry in annoyance and had to force myself to choke on it instead to avoid revealing I just understood that enough to be affected by it.
The nerve to call me cute when I can shred him to ribbons faster than any other dragonet ever could!

I huffed off and got back under the heat until I fell asleep.
The sleep I had under that lamp was the best sleep I had in years.

When I woke up I could see both of the Kymari on the couch together and I couldn't help but try to go bother them.
But I had the situation completely backwards...

"Hey sleepy head, you're gonna love the stuff they brought back from the market! I feel bad that you're not gonna be able to fully enjoy it though." Jayla sent me with hints of mischief.

What does that mean?
My internal question was answered when Tallik reached the table and baited another sunburst berry in front of me, which I snatched and downed without hesitation.

I was stupid.
That damn berry was laced with some weird sedative.
They've gone and roofied me with berries!

Everything looked spinny and shiny, I suddenly felt so out of it.
This was far worse than being completely drunk, and I was always quite violent when I got too drunk.
My body was slightly bigger than normal dragonets and they failed to account for that when coming up with the dosage, so I was still able to move weakly.

I saw a huge blob of green coming at me and trying to get under me and I just reacted with a confused warble and swiped my claws at it until it quickly retreated back.

"Woah! I thought this was supposed to keep him calm, but the medication only seemed to make him more violent." Tallik grumbled while checking to make sure he wasn't grazed.

Haha, swiping at that weird green blob was so much fun - I stumbled forward until I found another splotch of green ahead of my warped vision and then I took another swing.

There was a shrill squeak and the green blob jumped away just in time.
I tried to dash after it but I tripped and fell flat.

My mind was so blank that I didn't even feel like moving.

"Uh- I think it's best if we just try without the medicine next time." He muttered stiffly.

I'm not sure how long I was like that, staring at anything shiny and taking swipes at anything colorful. But everyone stayed far away from me until my lights went out.
I woke up right in the Kymari's lap, feeling good but not sure why.

"Don't ever let them drug you like that again!" Jayla fumed as soon as I woke up. "I thought it was gonna be funny to see you so spaced out, but you started attacking everything instead. Including me!"

Oh yeah, I faintly remember taking swings at some blobs of green, I didn't even have the capacity to think that Jayla was also green.

"Well, sorry. But that's their fault, not mine." I huffed.
It was totally the Kymari's fault for using it on me without enough to knock me out cold.

"Anyway, you completely missed the oiling. You missed out on the best part of the Kymari." She informed me of what I was apparently missing out on.
Oh well, next time I'll just have to not let them drug me again.
They'll be stupid if they even want to try that again, though.

Tallik seemed happy that I wasn't angry even though I woke up being petted.
Now that I think about it being petted does irritate me a little.

They didn't even bother to drug Jayla, I bet she got bribed easily and didn't even want to take the chance with me, even though I'm the one more comfortable with them.

"I know being a fire lizard handler pays really well, but I still want to be an enforcer instead." He saiys.
He probably thinks his father is going to let him talk his way out of this.

"There aren't many jobs that will get you noticed by an Elder, and this is one of them! You can't just turn it away without thinking!" His dad retorts quickly.

"Yeah, yeah." He complains while continuing to stroke my scales.

"I'm serious! You're blessed with the opportunity of a lifetime! You don't even have to go through what the other handlers did because they came up to you on their own!" His dad pushes even harder.

"I'll give it a chance, but don't expect a guarantee." Tallik responded firmly, which was enough.

I was thinking of what I can do to make sure he doesn't try to give me to someone else or something.
As much as my pride doesn't like it, the only way I can think of is to just act like the cutest thing they will ever see.

But, I don't know what's cute or not. Is falling over cute?
Maybe I should hold on to my next berry and try to shove it in their mouth to pretend like I'm 'sharing', that has to be enough!

Just when are the boring parts of this going to end? Let's just go Sicora hunting already!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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