BP004-P08 - Subjugation 08

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The convoy drove on. There were no more clouds to be seen between the treetops, only the sparkling night sky.

Meia had finished her bowl. Violet was still eating.

"Wasn't there something else you wanted to ask me earlier?"

"Ah, yes. Can you tell me about your swords?"

"Sure, what do you want to know?"

"What kind of alloy is it?"

"The alloy... Do you have another question?"

"You don't know?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"Then do you have any guesses as to what the swords might be made of?"

"No." She seemed to think for a moment. "I'm afraid I don't know much about metal."

Meia didn't know if she should ask another question. On the one hand, it didn't seem like Violet was trying to avoid her, but on the other hand, she had certainly taken the swords to a blacksmith for maintenance. Any blacksmith would at least have an idea. That Violet still didn't share anything perhaps meant she didn't want to answer the question.

"Sorry if I'm being intrusive. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

"No, no, that's all right. Feel free to ask any question. I don't seem to know anything anyway, fufu."

"Then can you tell me what you know? Where did you get them?"

"I got the swords from my father, but I don't know where he got them. They're quite sharp and sturdy. You can stand on them and they still won't bend. There are hardly any weapons that are like that, which makes them somewhat valuable. If I sold them, I wouldn't have to work for a while, fufu."

"..." ~Somewhat valuable? They look like you could buy a house with them.~

"You look disappointed. I'm sorry I can't help you."

"No. Thank you very much for telling me."

"Maybe you should ask a blacksmith if you want to know more. The swords are quite well known. My father has presented them to the Metal Guild several times in the past."

Meia would ask if she could have a look at the swords, but she had the impression that Violet would decline. A professional never revealed his tricks. "Thanks, I guess I'll do that then." Meia would probably have to ask a blacksmith indeed. "Earlier you mentioned a Count Rauch. Was that about the owner of Rauch Wächter?"

"Yes, he's a recurring client."

"You know him? Do you know him well?"

"You could say that. We're close."

"Very close?" Meia asked with admiration.


"If that's the case and you've been there recently, have you seen the new models?"

"Maybe I've seen weapons, but if so, I'm contractually obliged not to reveal anything about them."

"Wow." ~She did.~ "Do you get to meet many such important people as an adventurer?

"Adventurer? I'm a mercenary."

"But you go to new places and discover unknown things?"

"Hmm, I do go to places I haven't been before, but I don't discover anything." Violet said in her normal tone. She didn't seem to mind.

"But you spend a lot of time in nature and experience exciting things?"

"I'd rather do without it... Besides, I have a house. I hardly ever do jobs that long."

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