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I find lemons under my pillow
dense like the sound of that voice
YneikaYneika, tell me to make lemonade

Observing abstract dreamscapes
I feel steady breath beneath me
YneikaYneika, I bite into the lemon

They are sour, they are bitter,
It is such a comforting taste
YneikaYneika, with one who stays

Crunch through pith and peel
Sugar would be a misstep, too far
YneikaYneika, it's the way I starve

All is quiet but the curve of lips
Reverberating a growl, asking,
YneikaYneika, what is it?

It's the shape of tongue through
Chocolate and cream and lemon
YneikaYneika, it's nothing to say

Nothing to say that is already known
Restraint is the definition of love for me
YneikaYneika, I was his Paprika

Juice dripping down my chin
Sour and nostalgic for its burn
YneikaYneika, to breathe is to yearn

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