Chapter 7: Royal Witch

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"You're back!" The child version of Aleksander yelled.

I looked around the beautiful meadow, until I saw a little Alek standing beside the trees. There was something different about him. His toothy grin was replaced a small frown. The air seemed chillier than last time, I noted as I walked towards him. That was probably a result of the lack of clouds.

I continued to trudge on my legs grew weary, my eyes felt heavy. The closer I got to Alek the more tired I felt. I just wanted to rest my eyes, it was a dream after all, what was the harm in doing so?

My eyelids lowered, there were about to close when Alek screamed.

"Caddie help!" I struggled to keep my eyes open, looking past the haze of sleep I saw a dark mist appear from the forest and wrap around Alek's body.

"No!" I screamed.

Pushing my sheets off of my body, I jumped up and searched for Alek. Sweat ran down the side of my face as my heart palpitated in my chest. It was just a nightmare, I told myself. Just a silly nightmare. Golden rays of sunlight peaked through the dorm windows, awakening a new fear in me. Today was my first day of school at Nox Haven Academy, a school for supernatural creatures. Unfortunately, that meant yesterday was not a dream. Witches really existed and I was one of them.

Alix was still asleep and snoring louder than ever. Glancing around the rest of the room I found a freshly laundered school uniform lying on my bed. Confusion overtook me as I stated quizzically at the outfit. Yesterday, the outfit wasn't there . I released a low chuckle when I realized the uniform had appeared, magically. That was definitely going to take some getting used to, I thought as I grabbed the uniform and walked to the ensuite. The uniform was a black sweater with a silver crest and underneath I wore a red collared shirt and a short red and black plaid skirt. Surprisingly, I didn't hate the outfit.

In the reflection of the mirror, I saw a girl who vaguely looked like me, but not at the same time. If that makes any sense. My blond hair was in a loose braid, and my fair complexion was clear of any unwanted blemishes. I still had the same upturned nose and small mouth but it worked together. In the uniform, I looked like a tiny porcelain doll. Smiling to myself, I walked out of the bathroom and went to wake Alix up.

"Don't even think about it." She murmured sleepily, pulling the covers over her head.

Startled, I stepped away. "Don't even think about what?" I asked genuinely surprised.

"You were going to wake me up," Alix grumbled, she swatted my arm as if I was a pesky fly.

"How did you know that?" I asked, rubbing my sore arm.

She sighed and sat up. Her auburn hair was sticking out in different directions and she could barely keep her eyes open. "The same way I knew who you were yesterday. I'm a psychic. Some witches and warlocks have special gifts. Your family is known for being Empaths- and other things. Sometimes, it's genetic, and other times it's completely random."

"How does everyone know more about my family than I do?" I asked absently.

Alix shrugged, grabbed her uniform and walked over to the bathroom. "I don't have time to figure your life out for you, we need to leave soon or we'll miss breakfast."

I rolled my eyes. "And now you care about being on time."

She didn't answer.

As I finished tying the laces on my combat boots, Alix stepped out of the bathroom. She was the only person I knew that could make a school uniform look cool. Her red hair fell in spirals across her shoulders. The outfit showed off her curves, and her spiked heels made her look even taller.

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