Chapter 19: Impossible mission

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I watched the varieties of foods laid on the table in front of me for a moment and suddenly lost my appetite.

I release a sigh for the umpteenth time that day. I had a lot going on in my head actually.

I've had a series of thoughts since I was taken to the magic town. But my mom never told me about the magic town.

How could she be a witch and I don't even know about it?

Would the Alpha be lying about such a thing? I doubt it.

“Mistress!” A familiar voice said suddenly, and jerked me out of my thoughts.

I blinked once and looked up at Elixir.

Elixir sighed, her expression troubled. “What have you been thinking of? I've been here for some minutes and you didn't seem to notice me.”

I released an exasperated sigh. If I say I'm not tired, then I'm only lying. I'm fed up of everything.

“And besides, you aren't eating. Did something happen between you and the Alpha?”

I released another sigh. “Nothing unusual. I'm just worried about everything. I mean Gwen's parents are coming tomorrow. I'm just scared something might happen. What if they recognize me? What if they see through my lies? Is there a way they wouldn't differentiate their daughter from me?”

Elixir takes my hands in hers, with a reassuring smile. “Calm down, Mistress. You will be fine. You are actually exceptional. You are intelligent and you are done with your training, you will do excellently well,” she assures.

I don't know if I'm supposed to be relief or not. But I really appreciate Elixir. She's the only one that has ever encouraged me since I came here.

“Thank you Elixir,” I reciprocated her smile.

Her smile widened. “You should eat.”

I shake my head quickly. “Maybe later but I need your help now.”

Elixir gathers her brows as she waited.

“What's it about?”

I hesitated briefly, thinking of how to proceed. I don't know how she's going to take it.

“Can you help me? I need to speak with my parents.”

Elixir eyes widened. “No, i_”

I reach for her hand instantly. “Please, there's something I need to ask them. Please, you have to help me,” I beseech softly.

She went quiet as if thinking about it.

“Alright. Let's just hope the coast is clear because if it's not, there's nothing we can do about it.”

I nod once, a smile finding it's way to my mouth. “Thank you so much, Elixir.”

“But on the condition that you will eat when we are back.”

I nudge her excitedly. “I will. Can we go now?”

“Yes, let's go now. It's dark already. It's the best time most times,” she assure.

We stepped out of the room and the hallway is not only silent but empty. It was just like the other day.

Just like Elixir said, it's the best time.

My mind was clouded as we walk. I kept thinking of everything. Since all the Alphas under Xavier already know about my parents, that means Gwen's parents would find out too.

If Gwen's parents come tomorrow, they might even kill them. But I couldn't help but think about Gwen too. Gwen was pregnant?

Damn! The more I want to get angry at Xavier, the more I see reasons not to. I would do more if I was the one in his shoe actually.

“Wow! The men must have gone for territory shift,” Elixir said suddenly, her voice penetrating my thoughts when nothing else would have.

She looks at me. “This is goodnews.”

I look back and flash her a smile.

“You can go in now. I will be here to watch out for the men,” she suggests.

I nod once. “Thank you Elixir. I will be snappy,” I assure and walk inside the cave.

I found my parent in the same prison cell. I rush to them.

“Mom! Dad!” I called out excitedly.

They look up at me.

My mom was the first to start crying. “What have they done to you?”

I manage a smile amidst the sad countenance I was feeling. “I'm fine mum. I just miss you and dad. I miss everyone.”

My dad smile softly. “You look ok. How has the Alpha been treating you?”

I sobbed silently. “Gwen's parents are coming tomorrow,” I said, ignoring his question. Not deliberately though but I didn't know if I was supposed to lie or say the truth.

“The dark Orb?” my mum gasps and turns to my father very quickly. “Does that mean we might not escape?”

I regarded them for a moment. “Mom, dad. May I ask you a question?”

They all turned to look at me at the same time.

Seeing the look on their faces, I proceeded. “Is there something you aren't telling me in all this?”

They regarded me for a long time.

My father sigh. “You must have found out,” he mutters and sigh again. “I knew you would.”

“Tell me,” I urge them.

My father looks away. “Your mother is a witch but she wasn't born with any powers.

My eyes widen with shock. “So, there really was a magic town?”

My father looks up at me and nods once. “That's your mother's hometown.”

My heart sank. The Alpha was saying the truth.

“Why?” I force out. “Why did you keep it a secret from me all this while? Is there something else I need to know?”

“Well, your father's and I relationship was a forbidden one,” My mother took it from him. “The witches were rebelling against the werewolf. I was already pregnant with you when we received the prophecy that you were going to be born with ordinary powers.”

“Yes, with your powers. You could end the witches and the werewolves war.”

I shook my head briefly. “This isn't only the witches war, it's the werewolves war.”

My mother shakes her head. “No, it's not. Xavier's father thought he killed all the witches but they remained. They could have taken Gwen as a mean to get back at Xavier and his father. If you can escape and find your mate, this will be very easy for you.”

I close my eyes a bit as I force myself to stay sane. My parents doesn't know what is really happening.

“Yes, your mother is right,” my father said quickly and reached for my hand. “You have to find a way to live. You have to escape, look for your mate and come back. Even if we are dead, you can still win in this war.”

I was moved to tears. My parents have no idea what is going to happen to me if I escape.

Xavier is my mate, I wanted to say but I bit the words back. What will it cost me to shatter my parents hope like that? No, I won't.

“Please, don't cry,” my mum consoled, with teary eyes.

I wiped the tears with the back of my palm. “I will. I will do everything you have said,” I assure them instead.

Till I get to know what to do, I will keep the truth hidden.

“Good,” my father smiled reassuringly.

But how long will I keep the truth from them?

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