Chapter Thirty Seven : Sick

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~Chapter Thirty Seven : Sick~


After realising that you three was late, you all quickly exited the café. However, as soon as you all leaved the café, the rain poured down. It was getting harder and harder by second, so the three ran faster.

You're house was pretty far away from the café, by now, you're all wet because of the rain. "Why does it need to rain at a time like this!?" Killua complained as he ran along with the three of you.

Finally, you all reached your house, but wet to the skin. You knocked on the door with a shivering hand and waited for Yumi to answer. While waiting, the boys were as wet as you are and they doesn't seem cold at all. But you, you're cold to the bone. You're hugging yourself along with the groceries you all bought to keep yourself from freezing to death. But it didn't help much.

Finally, you all heard rushed footsteps from inside the house and without a warning, the door was burst open by a worried Yumi. She gasped, seeing your states and quickly let you in.

"Where have you kids been!?" Yumi asked as she frantically got four towels and gave it to each of you. "Look at you all, wet from the rain! What if you all got colds!?"

She goes to the kitchen and comes back a few minutes later with a tray of hot chocolate. "Here, drink this. This will ease the coldness from your body." She said.

You all got your cups and carefully drink the sweet and hot liquid. "I'm so sorry, Yumi-san, we just ran into some problems, we never realised how late it is." You apologized.

Yumi put her hands to her hips and sighed. "It's fine, (Y/N), just don't do this again, okay?" She said.

You smiled as you nodded and continue to drink your hot chocolate. When you're all finish, you suddenly sneezed. Yumi turned to you.

"(Y/N), you better take a nice, warm bath before you catch a cold." She said.

You nodded and turned to Gon, Killua and Kurapika. "How about you guys? Do you want to take a bath as well?"

"No, thank you. We can manage." Kurapika said.

"Yeah! Us, boys doesn't get cold easily!" Gon said, confidentally and turned to you. "You should take a bath, (Y/N). You're a girl and girls have more fragile bodies than boys, right?"

"We'll just change our wet clothes and dry our bodies and hair." Killua said.

You sweatdropped and nodded. "Alright, if you guys said so..."


After you finished taking a bath, you changed to your pajamas inside the bathroom and headed to your room. When you entered your room, Gon and Killua were dressed in their sleeping clothes and already fallen asleep on their futon. You smiled at them and went to Kurapika's room.

You peaked to inside his room and saw Kurapika is in his sleeping clothes as well and was deeply asleep in his bed. You smiled at him as well and turned off his lights, seeing that he forgot to. You went back to your room and turned off the lights as well.

You slipped into your bed and covered yourself with your warm blanket and closed your eyes to sleep.


You wake up at the shine of the sun and stretched. You yawned and sat up from your bed and stood up. You looked down and saw Gon and Killua. You smiled as you noticed how cute they are.

You decided to not wake them up and goes to downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, you're suprise that there's no Yumi around making breakfast. You look around and saw a note on the table.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant