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Chapter 1

I hand the steamy, hot coffee to another impatient customer, who doesn't bother to say thank you. I sigh as i greet the next customer, in a hurry to get their coffee, digging through their wallet for change. Her hair is kind of messy, strands hanging loose from her ponytail, and she looks tired. So many people races through here everyday, eager to get to their jobs, while i'm here, stuck working behind a desk, just trying to get through finals of my fifth year of secondary school here in England.

As i see the clock across the room hit five o'clock, i take of my apron and get my belongings from the employees utility room.

"Jim, i'm done for the day," i say, reaching my head over the cafe counter.

"Really, is it 5 o'clock already?" he says confusedly, glancing at his wristwatch. I nod with a giggle, and turn to the exit. I hear him shout a quick goodbye, and i shout one back as the door closes behind. I make my way down the long street, to catch the tube.

Today, i'm in a more happy mood. Later today, i'm traveling all the way across the globe, to visit my dear brother in California.He just finished with his world tour, and he has invited me to a party in Los Angeles that i dont know much about.

I dont get to see Louis a lot, which makes the times i do much more special. I'm also super nervous, knowing that a lot of celebrities and i guess "elites" will probably be there, and i'll probably freak out and be too scared to talk to anyone.

All of Louis' bandmates will be there too, which is kind of weird, as i never met most of them. I have only met Niall and of course Louis. But I'm really happy to get out of this miserable place for two whole weeks. School ended today, and summer holiday lasts for six weeks from now on. I'm really excited.


"Dont forget your toothbrush hun!" mom shouts from downstairs. I roll my eyes, and run to the bathroom. I get all of my toiletries, and punch them into my grey bag. I struggle for a minute to zip it up, and i exhale victoriously when i manage. I run down with my bag and purse, throwing it by the door.

"Mom? I'm leaving now!" i shout at her, not knowing what room she's in. I soon hear rapid footsteps coming from the kitchen, and she soon covers me with a way-too-tight hug.

"Awe honey, have a great time," she says and messes up my brunette ponytail, leaning her head on mine as she hugs me. I smile at her, and mutter a goodbye as i leave the house.

I've travelled on my own a couple times before, but never this far. The flight is about 10 hours. I get in to the black taxi cab, and the sudden vibrate of my phone alarms me as i strap on my seat belt.

Louis: Heeyy when are you arriving? -Louis

Me: Leaving for the airport now, should be there pretty early, you better come pick me up.

Louis: Really? At what time exactly? -Louis

I dig into my purse, finding my plane ticket to check the landing time.

Me: Six in the morning:)

Louis: Ugh fine. -Louis

Me: You know i have you as a contact, no need for the -Louis. -Claire

Louis: Oh shush

Me: Haha, see you soon.

Louis: See you soon, love ya sis

Me: Love ya too bro

I lock my phone with a laugh, and get out my headphones to listen to music while i wait to get to the airport.

WRONG // (Harry Styles)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat