t w e n t y

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Chapter 20

Claire's point of view

I slowly regain consciousness and open my eyes, feeling the soft fabric between my fingers as I stretch out on the bed. I relive the amazing night, remembering his strong body, his hands all over me... I giggle at myself and cover my face with my palm.

I look around the room, and i notice Harry is no where to be seen. I stand up from the bed, and i go to his drawers to find something to wear. I grab a shirt and cover my upper body with it. I hug myself, to smell his scent. He said he loved me. Or at least i think so... It was right before i drifted off. I hear distant noises coming from the living room, including a guitar and Harry's voice. I walk silently out of the bedroom and into the living room, his voice becoming stronger by the second. I find him sitting on the couch, with the guitar on his lap. I've heard this song before.

"I think i might give up everything," his raspy vocals echoes in the room, as he stops for second, noticing my footsteps behind him.

"Just ask me to," he stops playing and turns around. A unsettling smile sets across his face, and i'm left wondering what he's thinking about.

"That was beautiful," i recognize the song from the new album. He points out his finger and signalizes for me to come over. I walk over, slowly. As i reach him, he grabs my thighs to place them on either side of his lap. I'm wearing some loose shorts i found, so my skin is bare from the knees down.

"I love you," he groans as he pulls off my shirt, leaving me half naked and on his lap. I can't help but moan when he starts kissing my neck. He loves me. Since i sort of moved in here, he has been very possessive. Even now, when he says he loves me, he says it with some aggression. He holds me tightly, and it seems like he's never going to let me go. But i back up, and look him in the eye. I slick his hair back and kiss his forehead.

"We are going on a date tonight," he informs me, squeezing my butt.

"Uhm how about asking me first?" i tease him as i rest my hands on his shoulders.

"Don't see the need, you're mine," he smirks weakly and pushes me closer.

Him acting like this reminds me of the time he said "I want you to give yourself to me completely". I haven't agreed to that as far as i can remember. But maybe he thinks i have, by agreeing to move in with him. I like when he calls me his, but i don't want to think of me as property.

"Harry, are you sure that's a good idea?" i question him, seeing that once he steps foot outside this house he will be tackled by paparazzi, especially if i come with him.

"I don't care, if i wanna take you out i will," he says firmly, his eyes growing stern. We haven't really talked about the consequences of the photo coming out. The only thing i have focused on, is Michael and Louis.

"Have you... gotten any calls or something?" i expect the worst. Maybe from the police, but hopefully from his publicist or manager.

"Yeah, uhm... My publicist called, and she advised me to not be seen with you," he seems reluctant to tell me.

"Oh, for how long?"

"Forever," he sighs, slicking his hair back with his hand.

"Oh..." i suddenly feel incredibly uncomfortable on his lap, so i stand up, and rund my hands through my hair as i process the news.

"Then i'm not going out with you," i say, trying to minimize the damage from this scandal. I haven't checked twitter or any social media since two days ago, when the photo came out.

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