Chapter 9

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Zeke (Piper's brother)

Piper fainted after her panic attack. I know that she got that weird chest pain again. She told me that during her panic attacks, it feels like the air burns her lungs and her throat closes. Most of the time, she isn't able to breathe.

However, this was different. It lasted longer. She's usually able to calm herself down, and when she can't, I help her. But I couldn't help her. It was like none of my words were processing in her head. I saw that she was trying to breathe, but it didn't work. I told her to keep her eyes open, but when her eyes were open, she became more panicked.

It was probably because of her mate. His eyes were darker than the color black. At first, it was lust, but just seeing dark eyes scares Piper. It has something to do with Alpha Terence and our father. Whenever I saw them, their eyes were always dark. Their wolves were always so close to surfacing. It frightens Piper.

But Alpha Caleb's eyes changed from lust to anger. Piper was too close to another male. Since Alphas are naturally possessive, he was angry at Mason and Liam. I know that Alpha Caleb wasn't going to hurt Piper, but I wasn't sure if she knew that.

"I don't know. It could be hours, days, weeks, months, and maybe years" Kaley, the pack doctor, said quietly. Alpha Caleb and the doctor were talking about when Piper would wake up. When she said 'years', the Alpha's face fell.

I felt the need to ease his worries. "It's only going to be a few days, one week at the most. After she wakes up, her memory will be fuzzy for another week" I stated confidently. By 'fuzzy', I mean that she will lose some memory. She usually forgets the few weeks before she faints, but it all comes back within a matter of days.

Everyone started staring at me. Kaley nodded her head in understanding. "This has happened before" she stated. I nodded, though it wasn't a question. Everyone's eyes made me uncomfortable, so I stared at the ground. "You're her brother right?" Kaley asked.

"Yeah. I'm Zeke" I said quietly. I never liked being the center of attention, and now I was literally in the middle of a crowd.

"Can you tell me how this happened before?" the doctor asked softly. I looked up to tell her about it, but everyone was listening. Haven't people ever heard of privacy?

I want to tell the doctor, maybe she can help. What if the abuse effects how Piper is treated, like medically? I know that Kaley will find out about the abuse sooner or later. If she runs tests, then she'll see the scars. Piper has a few wounds that didn't heal correctly because of the silver and wolfsbane. Like the 'B' that our father carved with the silver bar that was covered in wolfsbane. The mark will forever be on her skin as a reminder of what that man did to her.Now, I was torn between helping my sister, or keeping her deepest secret. "I can't" I whispered. Piper will wake up and she'll be fine, just like usual. We just have to wait it out, and I don't have to tell her secret. "It's not my place to tell. It's Piper's choice of whether or not she wants people to know"

Kaley frowned. "I'm her doctor. You don't have to tell anyone else. Just tell me. There's doctor-patient confidentiality. I won't tell anyone" she promised.

I reluctantly nodded and glanced at my sister's mate. He's an Alpha, so he could potentially force us to tell him. But if Kaley was born a pack doctor- like her parents passed the role down to her- then she would be immune to his command if it was about a patient. Werewolf stuff is sorta complicated. "Would you have to tell Alpha Caleb?" I questioned.

The doctor understood my underlying question and shook her head. "No" Kaley said strongly. I sighed in relief. "Like Zeke said, it's Piper's choice. She doesn't have to tell anyone, if she doesn't want to. And you can't force me to tell you" she told the Alpha before gesturing to the door. I followed behind her as we entered the pack house.

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