Chapter 24

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As much as I wanted to lay in bed and sulk all day, I knew that it wasn't a good idea. I couldn't lock myself away from the world because that's not gonna fix anything. It was like I woke up with this sudden realization that things needed to change.

I have decided that I want the Luna ceremony sometime this week. And being Luna comes with a lot of responsibility. I can't accomplish those responsibilities if I'm holed up in my room and don't communicate with my pack. Caleb wasn't in bed when I woke up; so I assumed he was already out and about, doing whatever he does in the morning.

Getting up from the bed, I decided to shower before starting with my day. I brushed my teeth before I got in the shower. I don't want this pack to be known for their bad-smelling Luna. I want to be a Luna that's actually worthy of her title. I want to be a Luna that my pack deserves and admires. I want to be a Luna like Thalia. She's one of the best Lunas I know. She cared deeply for each and every single one of her pack members. That's the kind of Luna that I will strive to be.

After a quick, I slipped on some shorts and one of Caleb's shirts. His shirts are really soft and comfortable. I love it. And I love him. It's another thing that I have to do. I have to tell my mate how I feel. But there's something in the back of my mind telling me that he might not feel the same way. That maybe, he thinks its too early for the 'L' word- as some people would call it. Which is why I decided to do it before the Luna ceremony, giving me a few days or so.

I'll tell him how I feel; and if he thinks its too early, we can postpone the Luna ceremony for a while or something. I threw my hair into an unattractive bun before leaving the bedroom. Lunas don't always have to dress to impress. When I was a child, I remember Thalia always walking around in sweatpants and a large hoodie- which I assume was Terence's. See, I'm not the only one that likes wearing my mate's shirts.

With a smile on my face, I skipped down the stairs. Jackson, Tyler, Jessica, and Amanda were sitting on the couch talking about something. Their conversation stopped once they saw me. "Hey guys" I greeted the group. "What's up?" I asked casually.

Tyler stood up and walked over to me. Once he was in front of me, he put a hand on my forehead. I'm proud to say that I didn't flinch. "You're not running a fever or a cold" he noted. I slowly nodded my head. "So what's wrong with you?" he blurted.

Amanda stared at me. I thought about the Luna ceremony and my mate, knowing that Amanda was trying to read my mind. After a few moments, a smile spread across her face as she got into my head. "He's in his office" Amanda answered my unasked question. I quickly thanked her before making my way to Caleb's office.

In the distance, I could hear Tyler grumbling about me not answering his question. A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I got to my mate's office. I awkwardly knocked on the door and waited for an invitation inside. "You don't have to knock, Poptart. I have nothing to hide in here" Caleb's muffled voice could be heard through the door.

Turning the knob, I pushed the door open and walked inside. He was putting something in a drawer when I walked in, but he told me that he had nothing to hide. "What's that?" I asked curiously.

He glanced up at me before pulling a large file out of the drawer and placing it on his desk. "This is where I keep all the treaties and alliance paperwork" he informed me as he patted the stuffed manila folder. Nodding, I walked closer and sat on the corner of his desk. I grabbed the folder and started looking at all the packs.

A Luna needs to know who her allies are. At the top of the stack was the alliance with the Blood Star Pack. Everything was filled out- with Nick as the Alpha and Caroline as the Luna. The only thing missing was their signatures. Scanning briefly over the other paperwork, I noticed that we're allies with almost all the packs in the U.S. and a few packs elsewhere.

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