Chapter 33

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*mild language
**picture is of Matt Scott

The days passed in a hurry; tonight was the night. Adira took a shower and blow dried her hair. She changed into her favorite strapless bar and panty set, a pair of her husband's sweatpants, and a zip-up sweatshirt. She opened her door and let her awaiting children in. "Okay, you may sit on my bed while I do my makeup. Joshua you get the TV remote."

"Hey, Mom," questioned Jeremiah as he wrapped his arms around her. "Why aren't you taking Owen to the ball?"

"Because, remember how Owen is the chief? He needs to be the chief there. I didn't want to bother his big plans. Big surgeries."

"Oh," whispered Jeremiah as she sat beside him mom. "So, what is that metal rod you are spinning in your hair?"

"It's called a curling iron," replied James. "It puts her hair in a curly-que. Mom, up or down?"

"Up," she replied to James. "Wait, what do you think?"

He looked at her and Joshua surprised them both with replying, "I think that you should go up."

Adira looked at him, "You think so?" She sighed, "Yeah, I suppose so," she shrugged. "I haven't curled my own hair since, I don't know, my high school prom," she laughed. She had had her hair curled for her wedding, but she hadn't done it, Kim had. And, whenever Derrel and her had gone out, she had left it in its natural waves, straightened it, or recreated some intricate braid she had seen.

"What's the prom?"

"Prom is a formal dance in high school." She explained. "Okay, I need to concentrate, I am going to pin my make up." Jedidiah was already asleep against her pillow, Justice was fully absorbed in the movie playing, Joshua was looking at her hair, James was sliding off the couch, and Jeremiah picked up a handful of bobby pins. James sat on the other side of her and picked up another handful.

He held up a bobby pin, "Here ya go."

She smiled, "Thanks, James. And Jeremiah."

"Ouch," hissed Joshua.

"I love you all," she rubbed her nose against James's and then Jeremiahs. "I love you all very much." Adira looked at the clock and then sighed. "There is not enough time in one hour." She finished putting up her hair and grabbed the foundation.

"What's that?" questioned Jeremiah with mild curiosity.

"It's call foundation. It is one of the many things I am going to put on my face tonight. Someday, when you met a girl, who loves you, she will put make up on her face so she looks extra-special beautiful."

"But you are already beautiful!" complimented James.

"Wait, so do you love Alex?" questioned Jeremiah in shock.

"No, no, sweetie. He is a friend. He is a good friend but I need to look pretty tonight. It is a formal ball. All the ladies are going to look super beautiful, so I want to fit in."

"Well, then scratch that dress because you will stick out." Jeremiah put the pins down and went back to the bed. "Oh, and you're smart too. Owen says girls need to be beautiful, smart, and kind and there was a whole list that I don't remember."

James sat beside, holding a small mirror so she could see everything, and offered her bobby pins when a piece of hair would slip. Adira went into her closest and slipped into the dress after almost an hour. She opened the door to find Derek wrestling all of the boys on the bed. She laughed before spinning in a circle. "How do I look?" she questioned.

"Marvelous, darling," replied Derek.

"Just marvelous," added Jeremiah.

The boys erupted in laughter as they fell back into the bed. "So, I am here," started Derek as he detached himself from the boys. "To make sure that your beautiful self gets to the ferry boat in one piece, not only because that is a tough job and I really want to see that ferry boat, but because Karev is in surgery. No, don't worry. Bailey is on him like a hawk. As soon as he can leave the surgery to Jo, he will be out of there and here. She has his suit and everything. The surgery is scheduled to go for only about forty more minutes. He'll smell probably, so I hope that Bailey makes him shower. But, don't worry, we got this."

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