Chapter 39

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Adira woke up as Derek was standing. "I have a surgery. Your kids have school. I got this. Joshua is still fast asleep on the couch downstairs. I refilled his Sprite. You are good to go."

She waved him goodbye, "Go. Be great. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Oh, I promised Candy she could have the youngest two because I may have let it slip that Joshua was sick." This earned him a pillow to the face. "They will be here in ten minutes." He winced, and ready was for the barrage of pillows coming his way. The alarm clock hit him first.

"Ow!" He screamed.

She rose from the sea of blankets like the Lochness Monster. "If you wake up my sleeping children, I will murder you and I want you to know, that I am a trained killer."

He raised his hands, "Okay, I surrender. And, if you weren't listening, your kids are out in the car, ready for school. I do actually love you though, so good luck today. Call me if you need anything. An IV or anything of that sort."

Adira laughed and turned on the shower. She heard the screaming and went flying downstairs to find Joshua sitting up on the couch. He offered her his bucket. "I puked again."

She rolled her eyes, "Let me go put on some clothes and then we can chat. Now, if you are not puking, you can go flush that down the toilet and put it in the bath tub. I can take it from there."

"Mom, I am sick. I am not supposed to do anything," he pouted.

"Joshua Christopher Xavier, get your lazy bones off that couch, right now. If you throw up along the way, then I will gladly clean it up."

She started walked upstairs and he called after her, "Hey, Momma, can we have a pajama day?"

"As long as they don't have puke on them, yes!"

He laughed and she could practically feel him rolling his eyes, "Yes, Momma."

Adira came back down ten minutes later dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a long sleeve, a blanket and book in her hand. "You watch TV, I will make you some toast, you watch some more TV, I will clean up the bucket, and just try not to puke on my favorite couch. Sound okay?" She went about her business till her phone rang. She answered, leaning over the bath tub. "Hello, this is Adira."

"This is your boyfriend Matt, is your caller id working?"

Adira did a mental face palm. "Oh, sorry, baby. It's been hectic. We had a puking spree at four am and..." She paused. "And, I would love to tell you all about it, later, over some wine, but I have a sick child on my couch."

"Let me guess, JC?"

"How'd you know?" She sat back on her heels and finished washing out the bucket.

"He didn't feel good yesterday when I talked to him."

"You talked to JC?"

"I called and you were in the shower, so we had a little chat. He thought he ate something funky and I went all Dad and told him to tell you, so of course he didn't. I should have seen that one coming. Sorry, baby."

"Went all dad?" she whispered.

"Sorry," whispered Matt. "I am on a raid, got to go."

Matt hung up the phone and one of his squad mates looked at him. "What in the hell are you reading?"

Matt shrugged, "It's called 'The Battle of the Labyrinth,' by Rick Riordan."

"Why on Earth are you reading a kids' book?"

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