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Jeff's face was red in an instant. "Th-that was a-an accident!" He stammered.

"Figured as much." You replied. His childish embarrassment caused you to grin. "You wouldn't have the balls to come on to me."

Jeff practically had smoke coming out of his ears. "Yeah, w-well I who would want to come onto you anyways?" He replied. His arms crossed over his chest defensively.

"Gee, tell me what you really think." You huffed.

"Shouldn't you be focusing more on the fact that you were almost just eaten alive?"

"At this point, almost dying is a pretty common experience, so, no."

You two sat in silence for a while before Jeff spoke up.

"Why do you keep doing this to me?" He asked softly, looking down at the ground like he was focusing intently on a particular blade of grass.

"Doing what?" You asked in reply, confused by his sudden change in tone.

"I don't know! Making me...feel things..." Jeff tried to explain. He ran his hands through his thick black hair and tried to sort out his thoughts into something coherent. "I don't know what it is, but when I'm with you, I feel less...crazy."

The Killer's confession tugged at your heart and made you feel strange. You'd never seen him open up like this and talk about the way he felt. On top of that, you related to what he was saying.
You scooted closer to the killer and he looked up at you with a mixture of surprise, confusion, and fear. Fear. That foreign emotion that had always made you different from everyone else. Friends never stuck around you for very long after realizing just how 'crazy' you were. People were afraid of you because you weren't afraid of anything. Even your parents had no idea what do do with you.

"I know how you feel." You admitted with an empathetic smile. A sad chuckle escaped you as you continued, "Before we became friends, I never thought I'd be able to connect with anyone. I was too different. But you came along and treated me like a normal person for the first time in my life. I guess we're just a weird, misfit match made in heaven, huh?"

"(Y/n)..." Jeff breathed. He leaned forward a little, and without thinking you did the same. Before either of you knew what was happening, Jeff pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss. You thought you'd be more apprehensive or awkward about your first kiss, but with Jeff, the movements just felt natural. After what felt like a small eternity you two broke the kiss and you found yourself resting your head on his shoulder. Jeff wrapped his arms around you and you could hear his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. You felt like yours was going to burst out at any minute.

"I guess what I've been trying to say, is," Jeff cleared his throat and struggled with his words, "I think I...I think I l...love...you..."

You wrapped your arms loosely around the Killer's waist. "Yeah, me too."

The sun was high in the sky by the time you two decided it was time to get up and start moving along again. You packed up the camp and Jeff helped you get back up the hill to the highway. You walked for quite a distance before Jeff nudged your hand and entwined your fingers with his, which brought a smile to your face.

Finally a town came into view. The first thing you did was swing by a truck stop, where you picked out some more travel food to last you until the next town, and Jeff found a map. You decided the game plan was to hike to the next town, then take the bus out of state from there. At the end of the line you'd try to find a new place to stay. Jeff seemed satisfied with this, but there was one more thing you wanted to take care of before you left. You fished in your pocket and handed him a few bucks.

"What's this for?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

"A shower ticket. If we're gonna be kissing and kanoodling from now on, you're gonna need to be at least a little clean."

"Do you have to put it like that?" He whined, but in the end you got your way and Jeff resigned to taking a shower at the truck stop. You bought your food and flipped through magazines while you waited for him to get out. He returned some time later with his hair stilll looking damp under his hood.

"Well? Did you lose a few pounds worth of dirt and grime?" You joked as you left the building with him.

"Probably. I don't know." Jeff rolled his eyes, "Are you happy now?"

"You're smelling half-decent, so yes." You grinned and took his hand again. Next step would be getting him to brush his teeth, then wash his clothes. Baby steps. Just getting him to shower was a victory. "We can kanoodle now."

"Ugh. Again with the kanoodling." Jeff complained. He shook his head, but you could tell he was grinning.

"I like it. It's a good word."

"Only in your world."

"My world is the only world that matters."

"Yeah," Jeff grinned and leaned over to kiss your cheek, "I guess it is."

To Live without Fear [Jeff the KillerxReader]Where stories live. Discover now