10... paths of destruction

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Chapter Ten

It's absolute bliss that Ivy Ainsworth is in as she lies next to Bellamy in his tent. At some point in the night, they'd drifted off, resting amongst the pile of blankets while still wrapped up in each other. Her arm and leg are both draped over his body, hugging him close while his face is turned to rest on top of her head. It's the best sleep Ivy's had in a long time, even if it only lasted for a few hours.

A loud boom from outside of Bellamy's tent wake them from their slumber, prompting their separation as the two to pull away from each other, looking at the entrance of the tent in confusion. It's a sound that raises the hair on their arms, alerting them of something potentially dangerous approaching.

"Bellamy, get out here!" A voice calls, and there's more commotion as others gather outside to observe the source of the sound.

Ivy lifted herself off of Bellamy's body and they exchanged puzzled glances before untangling their arms and legs from each other and quickly started redressing. It's a mess of finding whose is whose shirt before they both found their item of clothing and rushed out of the tent to see what was going on.

Oblivious to the fact that Ivy had just come out of Bellamy's tent and Ivy had accidentally put on her shirt inside out, Octavia motioned them over whilst looking up at the sky. There, through the stars, something was sailing down to the ground. A parachute deployed and it finally registered to Ivy that it was a pod making its descent down to the ground. That meant that the Ark had somehow known they were alive and the dead wristbands hadn't led them to believing that they were dead.

"They're coming to help us." Someone exclaimed. "Now we can kick some Grounder ass."

But tilting her head as she watched the ship disappear as it landed, Ivy took notice in it's size. Sure, it was far away and already looked small, but it was definitely smaller than the drop ship, so if the Ark really was coming down to help them, shouldn't they have brought more people? Or at least a pod big enough to provide enough supplies for the numbers that they had? The ship that had just landed couldn't have fit more than two people.

Jones and Bellamy's other lackeys head over to him, awaiting his direction on what they should do about their new arrival. Bellamy nods for them to wait in his tent and they follow his orders compliantly. Ivy watched them as they went, turning back to Bellamy, not quite sure what to make of their situation.

"What do you think it is?" She asked him, hoping he had better ideas than she did on the pod's purpose.

"I don't know." Bellamy murmured in response, still appearing to be in deep thought.

"Whatever it is, it's gotta have a radio or something connected to it, whether its holding people or resources. We should go out there, now." Ivy knew that wouldn't be the sort of thing that Bellamy would be thrilled about, seeing as he didn't want the way things on the ground to be like they were on the Ark. But even he had to admit, it was better that they check it out sooner rather than later.

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