23... the things we can't admit

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Chapter Twenty- Three

They had come to the conclusion that Clarke and Finn were missing.

At first, it'd been brushed off as nothing to worry about. They probably got caught up together and were enjoying some time alone out of the camp. But once they realized there was a gun missing and a kid named Myles was nowhere to be found, they'd put two and two together. They'd gone out as a group and none of them had come back from the hunt, meaning something bad had happened to them. Enough time had already been wasted under their previous assumption, so there was even more of a hurry to try and find them as soon as possible.

Bellamy had sent out a small search party to look for them, but that had only ended up with Monty disappearing too. Ivy was pissed to say the least. He should've never been out there. He should've stayed in the drop ship. They had way too many people looking outside of the walls, figuring that they were stronger in groups, yet they were leaving with another one of theirs missing.

The funny thing too was that they'd had walkies with them when they went out. Yes, the finished product of what was Raven's brilliant idea had been in use during their search and it'd done absolutely nothing to help them find their friends and not lose Monty. They'd figured that since they had the walkies, it was okay for them to split up and let Monty go out on his own since he could still communicate with them from afar. But look how well that worked out.

Ivy hated the fact that she hadn't been there. If she had, she would've been with Monty and maybe he wouldn't have been taken. Or at least he wouldn't have been alone when he had. Monty was the only person she felt like she could forget everything with; she didn't have to explain anything to him, she didn't even have to talk to him. They just enjoyed each other's company because they both didn't like being alone. Why did it have to be him?

It all came back to stupid Raven and Bellamy. They were the only other ones in the search party and after the events of the night before, Ivy refused to be anywhere near them. So she'd stayed back and now Monty was gone and they'd still failed.

But at least they'd found Myles; he was wounded but alive. They were forced to have to retreat back to camp to get him the care he needed, cutting their search short. When they'd returned with him, no one really knew what to do at first. Clarke was their doctor, but since she was gone, Ivy decided to step up. She'd ordered everyone out of the drop ship except for maybe Octavia to avoid distractions from a certain sibling. She'd pulled the arrow out of his shoulder, cleaned it, and prepared the poultice that had saved Jasper.

Myles had been stabilized and was safe from the Grounders, but what he really needed was a sedative. The boy didn't shut up. Ivy knew he was in pain, but she'd seen Lincoln get shot with an arrow and run a mile afterward with no sweat. Of course it was an unfair comparison, but all the moans and groans in pain was getting old. If they could knock him out, they could finally get some peace and quiet. For now, Ivy just dealt with the noise and made sure she did what she could for him.

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