Chapter 2

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Sidney sat at her drawing board. She was ready to pull her hair out. She was meeting a client in four hours, a university that had commissioned her to design a sports stadium, and for three days no creative juices could give her any ideas. She screamed loudly scrapping the sketch, and threw it next to the other dozen or so that lay around the waste paper basket.  Samantha, her secretary knocked on her door softly,

'Can I get you anything Sidney?' she enquired comprehendingly .

'How about a new brain?' Sidney groaned, dropping her head and threading her fingers through her hair.

'Why don't you take a break, it might help?' Samantha suggested.

'I'll be okay, thank you Sam.

Her secretary nodded and closed the door softly.

Perhaps if I'd had a good
night's sleep in the last week, damn it!

Sidney stood up and paced the office.  She glanced out of the huge floor to ceiling glass window. She had a beautiful view of the city of London, her office on the tenth floor providing a beautiful view of the River Thames. She watched a boat docking. Passengets embarking, disembarking.

She sighed softly.  It was eight days since she had been with Chase in the Middle East. She missed him terribly. She'd gotten to know him a little over the three days they spent together there. They'd gone riding on camels. Had an evening picnic the one night under the desert stars. She had stubbornly refused to travel more than one hundred meters into the desert, carrying her satellite phone and her GPS unit, hiding it from Chase. He had laughed and teased her when he guessed her reasons, but she would not budge when he promised her he knew the desert just as well as any of the natives. They'd enjoyed a beautiful romantic dinner.
Chase indulged in an erotic performance, feeding her sumptuous savory sweets, spicy pastries, and delicious dates that she'd never tasted before. But licking the tips of his fingers had been so much more satisfying than the meal itself.
The desert sky and the late evening stars were never so romantic, as that night. She could not believe she could use romantic and desert in one sentence.
Chase had held her in his arms, when he'd  assisted her off the camel. They had exchanged a slow, long passionate and very erotic kiss before Chase took her back to the palace.

When she'd returned to London, Sidney had expected him to call her but she had not had a word from him in the eight days since they'd departed from the Middle East. Every night she went to bed thinking of him. It was pure torture. She was loathe to admit now, her productivity was suffering. She longed to feel his arms around her. Feel his lips on hers again.

This is not good!   Get on with your work!

She sat down at her desk again.  Looking at the specs from the client, she held up a three dimensional picture of the university.

'What design can compliment you?' she murmured, studying the picture.

'A little birdie told me you did not have lunch yet,' she heard the soft voice against her ear, as a set of warm lips caressed her throat. A familiar set of delicious lips that she was dreaming about and longing for, for eight days.

'Chase!' she jumped up excitedly, and then summoned her body to contain its pleasure, removing her reading glasses from her blood shot eyes.

'What are you doing here?' she squeaked somewhat casually.

'I missed you,' he murmured, pulling her into his arms.  'You working too hard?' he observed her tired eyes.

'No comment,' she moaned softly.

His lips closed hungrily over hers, his tongue gently teasing, patiently urging hers to invite his in. She relented and opened her mouth, groaning softly, pressing her body into him. Her hands went up around his neck, her fingers trailed into his hair, caressing him happily.  Her fingers teased endlessly.   She kissed him hungrily, her fingers cupping his cheeks. His body moulded hers to him, his aroused form piercing into her. Chase pulled away gently, looking down at her swollen lips, placing a gentle kiss on her lips again.

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